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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Maisy Explores: A First Words Book


Lucy Cousins
Random House
105.00  元
HK$ 99.75  

  • 規格:平裝 / 20頁 / 19.1 x 19.1 x 1 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:1歲~3歲

  • 童書(0-12歲) > 認知書 >

      Learning is more fun with Maisy! The themed pages in this bright tabbed board book include key words to help introduce little ones to the world of science.

      Come along as Maisy explores the world around her! Each spread is themed around a different early science concept: weather, changing seasons, growing plants, life cycles, parts of the body, senses, materials, and technology. Bright, colorful, clearly labeled illustrations help build young children’s vocabulary and understanding of the world around them, while easy-to-use tabs let them find their favorite pages again and again.


    其 他 著 作
    1. A Maisy First Exeriences book-小鼠梅西看眼科
    2. A Maisy First Exeriences book-小鼠梅西逛書店
    3. 小鼠梅西的家變立體囉!
    4. A First Words Book-小鼠梅西外出的一天
    5. Maisys Snowy Day
    6. 小鼠梅西交朋友
    7. 蟲蟲不哭 說好的幸福呢?
    8. Maisy’’s Surprise Birthday Party
    9. Maisys Moon Mission
    10. Maisy’s Animals: A First Words Book
    11. Letters from Maisy
    12. Duckys Bathtime
    13. 《小鼠波波上街買東西》Maisy Goes Shopping故事遊戲書
    14. Maisys Shop: With a Pop-Out Play Scene!
    15. Maisy’s Day Out
    16. Maisy at Home: A First Words Book
    17. Swim with Little Fish! Bath Book
    18. Maisy First Experience Set
    19. Maisy’s House
    20. Maisy’s World《小鼠波波和好朋友們》貼紙翻翻遊戲套書 (8冊合售)
    21. Maisy’s Seasons
    22. Maisy’s Little Library
    23. Maisy’s Big Flap Book