來自神話語的祝福 The Blessings of Gods Word
1. 神的祝福Gods Blessing《論八福Blessings》????????????????????????????????
2. 神的豐富Gods Abundance 大衛的詩A Psalm by David》????????????????
3. 神的智慧Gods Wisdom《所羅門祈求智慧Solomons Prayer for Wisdom》
4. 耶穌的禱告Jesus Prayer《主禱文The Lords Prayer
來自神創造的祝福 The Blessings of Gods Creation
5. 起初 1 Gods Creation 1《上帝創造天地1 World’s Creation 1》???
6. 起初 2 Gods Creation 2《上帝創造天地2 World’s Creation 2》???
7. 亞當與夏娃Adam & Eve《伊甸園The Garden of Eden》????????????????????
8. 神的永恆God Is Eternal《摩西的祈禱A Prayer by Moses》
9. 萬物定時Everything Has Its Time《生命的智慧 The Wisdom of Life》
10. 新天新地?The New Heaven and the New Earth《啟示錄Revelation》
來自神赦免的祝福 The Blessings of Gods Forgiveness
11. 罪的開端 Original Sin《禁食果子 Forbidden Fruit》?
12. 罪的結果 The Problem with Sin《逐出伊甸園 Expulsion from Paradise》
13. 愛的規範 The Ten Commandments《十誡律法 The Law for the People》
來自神愛的祝福 The Blessings of Gods Love???????????????????????????????????????????????
14. 耶穌誕生 ?The Birth of Jesus?? 《彌賽亞的來臨The Messiah》???????
15. 耶穌受死 ??The Death of Jesus《十字架的救恩The Cross of Salvation》
16. 耶穌復活 Jesus Is Alive????? 《完成救恩God’s Complete Salvation》???
17. 永恆的愛 Gods Love? 《上帝無私的愛God’s Undeserved Love》???????
18. 愛的真諦 Love Is . . .《真愛的定義God’s Great Love》
詩歌賞析Biblical Themes of Hymns – The History and Meaning
詩歌賞析 (一)? 上帝是我堅固保障 1?????? A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 1?????
詩歌賞析 (二)? 上帝是我堅固保障 2?????? A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 2?????
詩歌賞析 (三)? 我主聖靈請降臨? Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord
詩歌賞析 (四)? 慈悲我主,賜下平安 Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord