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Principles of Auditing and Other Assurance Services(22版)


O. Ray Whittington,Kurt Pany
453.00  元
HK$ 453  

  • 規格:平裝 / 951頁 / 21.5 x 27.5 x 2.9 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 22版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 商業理財 > 會計/統計 > 審計學

      The 22nd edition of Principles of Auditing & Other Assurance Services provides a carefully balanced presentation of auditing theory and practice. Written in a clear and understandable manner, it is particularly appropriate for students who have had limited or no audit experience.


    Ch 1 The Role of the Public Accountant in the American Economy

    Ch 2 Professional Standards

    Ch 3 Professional Ethics

    Ch 4 Legal Liability of CPAs

    Ch 5 Audit Evidence and Documentation

    Ch 6 Audit Planning, Understanding the Client, Assessing Risks, and Responding

    Ch 7 Internal Control

    Ch 8 Consideration of Internal Control in an Information Technology Environment

    Ch 9 Audit Sampling

    Ch10 Cash and Financial Investments

    Ch11 Accounts Receivable, Notes Receivable, and Revenue

    Ch12 Inventories and Cost of Goods Sold

    Ch13 Property, Plant, and Equipment: Depreciation and Depletion

    Ch14 Accounts Payable and Other Liabilities

    Ch15 Debt and Equity Capital

    Ch16 Auditing Operations and Completing the Audit

    Ch17 Auditors Reports

    Ch18 Integrated Audits of Public Companies

    Ch19 Additional Assurance Services: Historical Financial Information

    Ch20 Additional Assurance Services: Other Information

    Ch21 Internal, Operational, and Compliance Auditing

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