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Brotherhood & Sisterhood:A Historical Survey of Special Education Law in Macau, 1991-2014


Wen Ru Jia
120.00  元
HK$ 96  

  • 叢書系列:西文出版品
  • 規格:平裝 / 148頁 / 17 x 23 x 1 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 文學小說 > 文學研究 > 外國文學研究

      With the society developing, the legislators of education would naturally put more attention to special education in order to protect the minority and those neglected. The history of special education mirrors the social development of Macau, it is an important indicator of the status in Macau society, reflecting the cultural quality at present and predicting the prospects in the future.



    Table of Content

    Chapter One: Introduction 1

    1.1 Background of this research topic 1

    1.2 Significances of this research topic 2

    1.2.1 The academic significance 2

    1.2.2 The significance in practice 3

    1.3 Questions provoked 4

    1.4 Methodologies of this research topic 4

    1.5 Chapter layout 5

    Chapter Two: The Important Events of Special Education Law in Macau 9

    2.1 The very beginning of special education in Macau 12

    2.2 The first written law of special education in Macau 13

    2.3 The establishment of the Centre of Psycho-Pedagogical Support

    and Special Education (the CPSSE) 14

    2.4 The passing of the Decree Law No.33/96/M 16

    2.5 The passing of the Decree Law No.33/99/M 17

    2.6 The passing of the Law No.9/2006 19

    Chapter Three: The Influencing Elements for the Development

    of the Related Special Education Law in Macau 25

    3.1 The environmental element and the population in Macau 25

    3.2 The relevant data of special education in Macau 30

    3.2.1 The general details of special education in Macau 32

    3.2.2 The specific details of special education in Macau 35

    Chapter Four: The Problems Relating to Individuals of Special Education in the Legal System 41

    4.1 The students with special education needs of special education in the legal system 42

    4.1.1 The students with physical and psychological limitations 45 The students with physical and psychological limitations in the United States of America 46 The students with physical and psychological limitations in Taiwan 48 The comparison of the categorization of students with physical and psychological limitations in the United States of America, Taiwan and Macau 49

    4.1.2 Students with born disabilities 52

    4.2 The parents of special education in the legal system 54

    4.2.1 The overview of the parental rights in the Decree Law No.33/96/M 55

    4.2.2 The defects of the parental rights in the Decree Law No.33/96/M 55 The missing regulation of the parental rights on placement 56 The dispute between the parental consent and authorized decision 57

    4.3 The teachers of special education in the legal system 59

    4.3.1 The provisions of laws concerning special education teacher in Macau 60

    4.3.2 The challenge for teachers under the Decree Law No.33/96/M 62

    4.4 The related service providers of special education in the legal system 65

    Chapter Five: Uncertainty in the Implementation of Special Education in Macau 75

    5.1 Identification and referral of students with special education needs 5

    5.1.1 The present situation about the identification and referral in Macau 76

    5.1.2 The problems caused by the missing regulation of identification and referral

    in the Macau 77 Problem one 78 Problem two 80

    5.2 The evaluation of students with special education needs 82

    5.2.1 The evaluation institution 83

    5.2.2 The composition of the evaluation team 86

    5.2.3 Parental consent to the evaluation 91

    5.2.4 The validity period of the evaluation 93

    5.3 The Individualized Education Plan and the Educational Activities Program 94

    5.3.1 The generality of the Individualized Education Plan and

    the Educational Activities Program 94

    5.3.2 The Individualized Education Plan 97 The content of the Individualized Education Plan in the Decree Law of 33/96/M 97 The confusion in the article of the Individualized Education Plan 99

    5.3.3 The content of the Educational Activities Program in the Decree Law No.33/96/M 100

    5.4 Placement 102

    5.4.1 The rejection of the placement by regular schools 106

    5.4.2 The perception of the core value of inclusive education in regular schools

    with inclusion classes 108

    5.4.3 Summary 113

    5.5 The cost issue 114

    5.5.1 The contents of free education allowance for special education 116 The financial funding for special education classes 117 The special education classes operational funding 118 The extra allowance for homogeneous grouping arrangement 119 The fixed subsidy for professional special education team 121 The funding for the program of school development 123 The financial funding for inclusive student 123

    5.5.2 The missing regulation of the cost issue 125

    Chapter Six: Conclusion 129

    Bibliography 131

    Monographs 131

    Journals 132

    Documents 137

    Website 138


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