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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Reading Highlights 2


AMC Editorial Staff
167.00  元
HK$ 141.95  

  • 規格:平裝 / 228頁 / 19 x 26 x 1.14 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 閱讀 > 閱讀技巧


      ■ 圖片賞心悅目


      ■ 文章雅俗共賞


      ■ 練習百戰百勝


      ■ 字彙補充豐富


      ■ 實用閱讀技巧




    目錄?? ?Unit 1 Sufism! Purely About Love

    Unit 2 The Dream of a World Language (Advanced)

    Unit 3 Understanding Eating Habits

    Unit 4 Wetlands: Boosting the Ecosystem

    Unit 5 The Eternal Terracotta Warriors

    Unit 6 Why We Buy Things

    Unit 7 Yayoi Kusama’s Works of Polka-Dotted Perfection

    Unit 8 South Korea’s Wonderful World of Webtoons

    Unit 9 The Must-See Shinto Shrines of Japan

    Unit 10 Escape to a New Kind of Fun

    Unit 11 It’s Stephen King—Horror’s Maine Man! (Advanced)

    Unit 12 Lessons in Linguistics

    Unit 13 Dancing with the Stars

    Unit 14 Travel Smart with Lonely Planet

    Unit 15 Iguazu Falls: Soaking Visitors with Awe

    Unit 16 Taking a Bite out of the Future (Advanced)

    Unit 17 Teaching Computers How to Avoid Human Mistakes (Advanced)

    Unit 18 Why People Flirt

    Unit 19 The Many Skills of Benjamin Franklin

    Unit 20 The Wonderful World of Watermelons

    Unit 21 Cursing and Foul Language

    Unit 22 Competing from Your Birth to the Grave

    Unit 23 Rules of Attraction

    Unit 24 Fun with Photography

    Unit 25 Hunting for Unicorns in Silicon Valley (Advanced)

    Unit 26 Europe Isn’t What It Used to Be

    Unit 27 Bonding with Your Baby like a Kangaroo!

    Unit 28 The Beauty of Gymnastics

    Unit 29 Nature’s Anti-Aging Remedy

    Unit 30 The Surprising Secret of Successful Students

    Unit 31 Getting the Perfect Body and Mind with Yoga

    Unit 32 Celebrating the Simple Life with Thoreau

    Unit 33 How Rules Can Change Our Minds

    Unit 34 Weddings Around the World

    Unit 35 Crazy for Celebrities

    Unit 36 Creativity in Crowds

    Unit 37 Fun in the San Diego Sun

    Unit 38 Social Network Safety

    Unit 39 Why Processed Foods Are Bad for You (Advanced)

    Unit 40 The Wonders of Xiao Liu Qiu (Advanced)

    Unit 41 How 5G Is Changing Medicine (Advanced)

    Unit 42 Making Sense of Math

    Unit 43 Three Cheers for Cheerleading

    Unit 44 Conquering Heights with Elevators

    Unit 45 What Drives Our Driving Habits

    Unit 46 The World’s Most Bizarre Creature

    Unit 47 Too Much Stuff

    Unit 48 Sardinia: Italy’s Island Paradise

    Unit 49 Planning the Perfect Picnic

    Unit 50 Volunteer and Change the World

    Unit 51 Putrajaya’s Modern Nature

    Unit 52 The Crying Game

    Unit 53 Highlighting Problems of Global Proportions (Advanced)

    Unit 54 A Blooming Good Time

    Unit 55 Tea the Taiwanese Way

    Unit 56 The Story of Soda

    Unit 57 The World’s Holiest Election

    Unit 58 Saving the World with Engineering

    Unit 59 China’s Search for the Perfect Family Size (Advanced)

    Unit 60 The Magic of Onsens

    Unit 61 You Probably Won’t Read This Passage (Advanced)

    Unit 62 Take a Walk Around Dadaocheng (Advanced)

    Unit 63 The Truth Behind Skin Tone

    Unit 64 The Mysteries of King Tut

    Unit 65 Your Body’s Killing Machines

    Unit 66 The Art of Disappearing

    Unit 67 Hiccupping and Evolution

    Unit 68 Fighting for Fun

    Unit 69 Who’s the Boss?

    Unit 70 Understanding the New Generation

    Unit 71 The Great Game of Golf

    Unit 72 Whale Sharks: Gentle Giants


    其 他 著 作
    1. Reading Highlights 2
    2. Reading Highlights 3
    3. Reading Highlights 2