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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
My Life in Medicine: A Hong Kong Journey 袁國勇自傳:顯微鏡下觀穹蒼 (PB)


Yuen Kwok-Yung
Hong Kong University Press
180.00  元
HK$ 162  

[ 尚未分類 ]

From humble beginnings in Hong Kong, Yuen Kwok-Yung rose to international prominence as an academic, physician, and microbiologist. As an advisor to governments, he and colleagues made discoveries that helped the world cope in often controversial ways with unprecedented threats to public health, including the COVID-19 pandemic. In this compelling memoir, Dr. Yuen weaves personal stories with those from his extraordinary medical careers to take readers on an inspiring journey about perseverance, courage, faith, and the ongoing peril of infectious diseases.

Yuen Kwok-Yung (袁國勇), Henry Fok Professor and Chair in Infectious Diseases of the Department of Microbiology at the University of Hong Kong, is a physician, virologist, microbiologist, and one of the world’s foremost medical and scientific researchers. He has been named as a Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate and one of the top one percent of most influential scholars in the world.

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