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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach(Asia Edition)(3版)


Debra Zahay,Mary Lou Roberts,Janna Parker,Melissa S. Barker ,Donald I. Barker
520.00  元
HK$ 520  

  • 規格:平裝 / 328頁 / 21.5 x 27.6 x 1 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 3版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 管理類 > 行銷 > 行銷學

      Learn to market effectively using social media with the unique emphasis and best practices found only in SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: A STRATEGIC APPROACH, 3E. You learn how to create a strong personal brand that is invaluable at any stage of your career, as you master the social media techniques detailed throughout this popular book. Insightful discussions address both online and offline elements for creating a viable personal branding strategy. Expanded coverage of consumer behavior guides you in identifying with virtual communities and mastering visual storytelling. This edition delves deeper into using content marketing, while new chapters address managing todays digital marketing organization and using paid advertising and social media influencers. A step-by-step planning model leads you through creating an actual social media marketing plan. You also learn how to incorporate important branding strategies within your organization’s overall integrated marketing communication approach.


    Ch 1 The Role of Social Media Marketing

    Ch 2 Goals and Strategies

    Ch 3 Identifying Target Audiences

    Ch 4 Rules of Engagement for SMM and Social Media Governance

    Ch 5 Social Media Platforms and Social Networking Sites

    Ch 6 Paid Social and Influencers

    Ch 7 Content Creation and Sharing: Blogs, Podcasting, and Webinars

    Ch 8 Visual Storytelling

    Ch 9 Content Marketing: Publishing Articles, White Papers, and E-books

    Ch10 Virtual Communities

    Ch11 Mobile Marketing on Social Networks

    Ch12 Social Media Monitoring and Management Tools

    Ch13 Managing and Staffing the Organization for Social Media Marketig

    Ch14 Social Media Marketing Plan

    其 他 著 作
    1. Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach(Asia Edition)(3版)