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Hong Kong Filmography Volume III (1950-1952) 香港影片大全 第三卷(1950-1952)

Winnie Fu 傅慧儀編 
223.00  元
HK$ 223  

[ 尚未分類 ]

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The 744-page Hong Kong Filmography, Vol III (1950-1952) records the details of over 580 films from 1950 through 1952. The contents include the genre classifications, language, dates of release, names of production companies, credit lists of directors, writers and players, synopses, and the best available film stills. The whole catalogue is bilingual, printed in hardcover.

As a legatee of the traditions of the 40s, Hong Kong cinema in the 50s continued to produce fantasy martial arts pictures, melodramas and comedies. These genres remained the mainstays of the industry. Not a few were adapted from so-called "airwave novels." Among the most distinguished productions of the period were Dawn Must Come (aka Tears of the Pearl River), produced by Shanghai expatriate Cai Chusheng; Kaleidoscope, produced by the South China Motion Picture Workers Union to raise funds for the building of a permanent office; The Dividing Wall, a social-realist comedy produced by the Dragon-Horse (Loon-Ma) Film Company; Modern Red Chamber Dream, a Great Wall production that was the box-office champion of 1952.

The Filmography, Vol III adopts a completely new design in data presentation, incorporates more notes reagarding the historical and production backgrounds and includes more quality stills in enlarged formats, a publication not to be missed by Hong Kong film fans.


Winnie Fu 傅慧儀編 其他作品

Hong Kong Filmography Volume III (1950-1952) 香港影片大全 第三卷(1950-1952)

The Making of Martial Arts Films - As Told by Filmmakers and Stars 電影口述歷史展覽之《再現江湖》

Hong Kong Film Archive Treasures: An Exhibition 香港電影資料館《珍藏展》

其 他 著 作