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  • 定價650.00元
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Macroeconomics (hardcover) (5th ed)

N. Gregory Mankiw 
Worth Publishers
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

The #1 best-selling intermediate macroeconomics book, Mankiw"s masterful text covers the field as accessibly and concisely as possible, in a way that emphasizes the relevance of both macroeconomics"s classical roots and its current practice. The fifth edition has been updated to deal with our ever-changing world, including the economic slowdown of 2001--associated at first with the end of the stock market boom and then with the terrorist attack of September 11--which has once again put business cycle theory at center stage.
Companion Site: http://www.worthpublishers.com/mankiw/

N. Gregory Mankiw 其他作品

經濟學原理 (5e)

Principles of Economics (Hardcover)

Macroeconomics (Hardcover)

Principles of Macroeconomics (3rd Edition)

Macroeconomics (hardcover) (5th ed)

其 他 著 作