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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Combined Treatments for Mental Disorders: A Guide to Psychological and Pharmacological Interventio

Morgan T. Sammons, Norman B. Schmidt 
American Psychological Associa
400.00  元
HK$ 380  

[ 尚未分類 ]

Combined Treatments for Mental Disorders: A Guide to Psychological and Pharmacological Interventions explores the best ways to integrate pharmaceuticals and psychotherapy in the treatment of a number of mental disorders. Combined treatments is relatively common, but because of biases in the fields of medicine and psychology that champion one form over another, many clinicians are not fully informed about use of both modalities. This practical volume seeks to end this situation.
As this book reveals, exclusive reliance on one mode of treatment may result in a practitioner being unable to address many clients’ needs. Each chapter closely examines the combined treatment for a different disorder, such as insomnia, depression, schizophrenia, and obsessive compulsive disorder. The book also addresses a topic of increasing relevance, the social and ethical ramifications of prescriptive authority for psychologists. Clinicians who already are doing combined treatments as well as those who want to

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