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Prehistoric Origami: Dinosaurs and Other Creatures (Paperback)

John Montroll 
Dover Publications
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

Over 1,200 clearly outlined folding instructions show how to create 20 paper models of world"s most celebrated extinct animals as well as a mountain, volcano, dinosaur egg, and a prehistoric tree.

John Montroll 其他作品

Bringing Origami to Life (Origami) (Paperback)

Mythological Creatures and the Chinese Zodiac in Origami (Paperback)

North American Animals in Origami (Paperback)

Origami Inside-Out (Origami) (Paperback)

African Animals in Origami (Paperback)

Origami Sea Life (Origami) (Paperback)

Origami Sculptures (Origami) (Paperback)

Prehistoric Origami: Dinosaurs and Other Creatures (Paperback)

Animal Origami for the Enthusiast: Step-by-Step Instructions in Over 900 Diagrams/25 Original Models (Origami) (Paperback)

Origami for the Enthusiast (Origami) (Paperback)

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