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Global Business Today (Paperback) (5th ed)


Charles W. L. Hill 
1200.00  元
HK$ 1080  

[ 尚未分類 ]

Charles Hill"s Global Business Today, 5e (GBT) has become an established text in the International Business market for several key reasons: (1) it is comprehensive and up-to-date, (2) it goes beyond an uncritical presentation and shallow explanation of the body of knowledge, (3) it maintains a tight, integrated flow between chapters, (4) it focuses on managerial implications, (5) it makes important theories accessible and interesting to students, and (6) it incorporates ancillary resources that enliven the text and make it easier to teach. The success of the first four editions of Global Business Today has been based in part upon the incorporation of leading edge research into the text, the use of the up-to-date examples and statistics to illustrate global trends and enterprise strategy, and the discussion of current events within the context of the appropriate theory. Notable additions to the 5th Edition include: * Chapter 5 has been updated to discuss progress on the current round of talks sponsored by the WTO aimed at reducing barriers to trade, particularly in agriculture (the Doha Round). * Chapter 6 now discusses the slump in foreign direct investment flows that took place in 2001-2004. * The section on the European Union in Chapter 8 has been revised to reflect the fact that ten more member states were admitted on May 1st, 2004. Our research has shown that students and instructors alike enjoy the interesting, informative, and accessible writing style of GBT - so much so that the writing has become Charles Hill"s trademark. In addition to boxed material which provides deep illustrations in every chapter, Hill carefully weaves interesting anecdotes into the narrative of the text toengage the reader.

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