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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
驚濤歲月中的香港黑社會 ~ 洪 [英文版]

382.00  元
HK$ 343.8  

[ 尚未分類 ]

However distasteful it may seem, the triads form an integral part of Hong Kong"s history. They are inseparable from every tumult. Hong Kong saw a turbulent period in the run-up to 1 July 1997. The triads were involved in all upheavals in the past, and the author sets out to investigate if the triads would again be engaged. In the short transition period, unsavoury encounters with the triads spared no time for caution. Their overt acts were detectable and their intentions readily bare. The worldwide operations of the underworld could reflect upon what were on offer to the triads at large. The author, Mr. Liu Tsz Ming, Benjamin, GBS, is a former member of the Hong Kong Judiciary. He searches for evidence of Hong Kong triads" participation in these overseas activities in the hope of bringing to light what approaches had been made to them in the transition. This book captures part of Hong Kong"s history and provides valuable information to law enforcement agencies and those interested in triad sub-culture. *This is an English Book *

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驚濤歲月中的香港黑社會 ~ 洪 [英文版]

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