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Principles and Practices of Civil Procedure in Hong Kong
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This edition is a leading text on this subject and provides a comprehensive explanation of the nature and operation of Hong Kong’s procedural rules. Over 2000 cases have been considered by the authors in the new edition reflecting the exponential increase on case-law in this fast moving area.
Civil Justice Reforms become effective in early 2009. Anyone who thinks the changes it introduces are minor is in for a big surprise. Practitioners need to prepare for a very different litigation landscape, in particular how to best utilize the changes for the benefit of clients, and well in advance of its introduction. Anticipating this need, the second edition contains extensive, and some of the first, discussion of the changes. Discussion of the more fundamental changes, for example pre-action disclosure and the new payment into court regime (to be called sanctioned offer or sanctioned payment), has been placed in text boxes for the purposes of easy identification.
“This textbook becomes then an essential tool in the hands of all those who are involved in civil litigation. Each aspect of procedure is of course covered but the great value of this book lies in the fact that the reader is given the benefit of the wide experience of the authors. Collectively, this is immense.” The Hon. Mr Justice Ma, Chief Judge of the High Court and Chairman of the Steering Committee on Civil Justice Reform
It includes one CJR Supplement in 2009 on the analysis and impact of fundamental changes in Civil Practice post effective. The supplement will be published after April, 2009.
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