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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Interactive Teaching in the Primary School


Moyles Janet, Hargreaves Linda, Merry Roger, Paterson Fred, Esarte-Sarries Veronica 
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

* What is "interactive teaching" in primary classrooms?

* What do primary teachers and children do to interact effectively?

* Are there benefits in such interactions to both teaching and learning?

A research partnership of tutors and teachers strives towards answers to these key questions. This book is the story of this intriguing and exciting research project.

The authors examine the practical and theoretical aspects that are key to understanding and undertaking interactive teaching in primary classrooms. The project is unique in using its own interactive processes, "Reflective Dialogues", to help teachers make sense of their own teaching. This process includes capturing and analysing classroom sessions on video; and cameos of these classroom interactions are discussed throughout the book. The research context is the Literacy Hour in Key Stages 1 and 2.

This new title is key reading for academics, researchers, teacher educators, policymakers and primary school teachers.

Moyles Janet 其他作品

Beginning Teaching, Beginning Learning

Beginning Teaching, Beginning Learning

Beginning Teaching, Beginning Learning

The Excellence of Play

Just Playing?

其 他 著 作