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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Why ERP? A Primer on SAP Implementation


Jacobs F. Robert, Whybark David Clay 
250.00  元
HK$ 237.5  

[ 尚未分類 ]

Why ERP? is not a traditional textbook designed for a specified course, it is patterned after the wildly successful short novel "The Goal" by Eli Goldratt. "The Goal" is currently required reading in many undergraduate, MBA, and executive courses. Like "The Goal," "Why ERP?" is a short novel about a manager in a furniture manufacturing business who is charged with learning about and implementing a new ERP system-particularly SAP R/3. The story tells of his experience learning about it, his considering other installations as examples, and then his deciding the key issues and how to proceed. Incorporated into the story is a concise introduction to the basic concepts and architecture of ERP systems, including actual screen shots of R/3 modules. Though this is NOT a programming book, it is a quick read overview, and it can be assigned even for ?systems? majors, as a background reading to lay-out the managerial issues and build a basic understanding of the concepts-prior to doing actual technical programming or hands-on R/3 projects. Through the eyes of the hero in the novel, the reader is presented with all the related implementation and business issues. Intended to provide a non-technical, non-programming introduction, this book can stand alone as a quick read or self-study introduction for any manager or business student. The text is also great for schools who do NOT have any SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, or other ERP system on campus, and who have no access to online or hands-on samples or examples. This book can provide the needed literacy and awareness of what ERP is and why it matters.

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