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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
The Excellence of Play


Moyles Janet 
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

Anyone who has observed play for any length of time wil recognize that, for young children, play is a tool for learning. Professionals who understand, acknowledge, and appreciate this can, through provision, interaction and intervention in children"s play, ensure progression, differentiation and relevance in the curriculum.

"The Excellence of Play" gathers together authoritative contributors to provide a wide-ranging and key source text reflecting both up-to-date research and current classroom practice. It tackles how we conceptualize play, how we "place" it in the classroom, how we relate it to the curriculum, and how we evaluate its role in learning in the early years. It should stimulate and inform debate through its argument that "a curriculum which sanctions and utilizes play is more likely to provide well-balanced citizens of the future as well as happier children in the present".

Moyles Janet 其他作品

Beginning Teaching, Beginning Learning

Beginning Teaching, Beginning Learning

Beginning Teaching, Beginning Learning

The Excellence of Play

Just Playing?

其 他 著 作