Nancy Cartwright is one of the most distinguished and influential contemporary philosophers of science. Despite the profound impact of her work, there is neither a systematic exposition of Cartwright? philosophy of science nor a collection of articles that contains in-depth discussions of the major themes of her philosophy.
This book is devoted to a critical assessment of Cartwright? philosophy of science and contains contributions from Cartwright"s champions and critics. Broken into three parts, the book begins by addressing Cartwright"s views on the practice of model building in science and the question of how models represent the world before moving on to a detailed discussion of methodologically and metaphysically challenging problems. Finally, the book addresses Cartwright"s original attempts to clarify profound questions concerning the metaphysics of science.
With contributions from leading scholars, such as Ronald N. Giere and Paul Teller, this unique volume will be extremely useful to philosophers of science the world over.
此叢書 Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science 書目
Popper? Critical Rationalism: A Philosophical Investigation
Introduction to Probability and Statistical Inference with R
TSUR 50.6
Karl Popper"s Philosophy of Science: Rationality without Foundations
Wittgenstein? Enduring Arguments
Process Improvement with CMMI?v1.2 and ISO Standards
Nancy Cartwright? Philosophy of Science
Families in Today"s World: A Comparative Approach
Families in Today"s World: A Comparative Approach
Gifted and Talented Children 4-11: Understanding and Supporting their Development
Latina/o Healing Practices: Mestizo and Indigenous Perspectives
Guide to Ministering to Alzheimer"s Patients and Their Families
Guide to Ministering to Alzheimer"s Patients and Their Families