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The First World War, Vol. 4: The Mediterranean Front 1914-1923

Michael Hickey 
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

The First World War in the Mediterranean represented much more than just a peripheral theater to the war on the western front. This engaging volume includes detailed descriptions of allied attempts to capture Constantinople; bloody campaigning in northern Italy; the defense of the Suez Canal; the defeat of the Turkish army in Palestine; the Arab revolt; skirmished in North Africa; and the entrapment of an enormous Allied garrison in Greece, described by Germans as the "world"s biggest prison camp." This theater of war resulted in the fall of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires, the birth of nations unknown in 1914, and the inception of new regional conflicts that continue to shape the Middle East to this day.

此叢書 Essential Histories 書目

Caesar"s Gallic Wars 58-50 BC

Caesar"s Civil War 49-44 BC

A Pastoral Counselor"s Model for Wellness in the Workplace: Psychergonomics

Progress in Self Psychology, V. 19: Explorations in Self Psychology

CRC Handbookof Organic Photochemistry and Photobiology, Volumes 1 & 2, Second Edition

The Second World War, Vol. 3: The War at Sea

The Second World War, Vol. 4: The Mediterranean 1940-1945

The Second World War, Vol. 5: The Eastern Front 1941-1945

The Second World War, Vol. 6: Northwest Europe, 1944-1945

The Second World War, Vol. 2: Europe 1939-1943

The Second World War, Vol. 1: The Pacific

The First World War, Vol. 4: The Mediterranean Front 1914-1923

The First World War, Vol. 3: The Western Front 1917-1918

The First World War, Vol. 2: The Western Front 1914-1916

The First World War, Vol. 1: The Eastern Front 1914-1918

Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis in the Electron Microscope

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