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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (25K原著刪節彩圖英文版+1MP3)

L. Frank Baum 
67.00  元
HK$ 63.65  

[ 尚未分類 ]

內容簡介 A cyclone is coming!When Dorothy was halfway across the room, a strange thing happened.The house whirled around two or three times and rose slowly through the air. Dorothy felt as if she were going up in a balloon.Dorothy got over her fright and resolved to wait calmly and see what the future would bring…Folklore, legends, myths and fairy tales have followed childhood through the ages. They have brought more happiness to childish hearts than all other human creations.The story of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is written solely to please children of today. It aspires to being a modernized fairy tale, in which the wonderment and joy are retained and the heartaches and nightmares are left out.The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was originally published in 1900 by L. Frank Baum (1856-1919). Baum has created a wonderland out of a cornfield Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, the cowardly Lion, and a humbug wizard and witches. This story has stirred the imaginations of young and old through generations. Follow Dorothy’s adventure and you’ll find an unforgettable journey in the Land of Oz.一陣龍捲風襲擊桃樂絲和叔叔嬸嬸的房子。嚇壞的桃樂絲來不及避難,跟小狗托托就這樣被龍捲風連屋吹起。奇怪的是他們在空中飄啊飄的,房子似乎碰不到地面!等桃樂絲再驚醒的時候,她眼前看到的竟然是一處綠草如茵、高大樹木、艷麗花朵隨處可見的奇異景色,旁邊還站了幾個奇裝異服、叫自己「夢趣郡」居民的人,其中還有一個人是女巫!桃樂絲究竟來到了什麼了不得的地方呢?《綠野仙蹤》(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)是作者L. Frank Baum(1856-1919)於1900年的著作。作者希望替當代兒童找回童話故事的純真與趣味,因此創作出這本充滿想像力、情節詼諧卻不失純真的幻想故事。跟著桃樂絲一起冒險,與腦袋只有草的稻草人、沒有心的錫人、膽小怯懦的獅子邂逅,學習如何在困境與艱難中,堅持自己的夢想,最後面對自己的缺陷,尋回內心遺失的一角,擁有完整的自我。本書為英文版本,全書故事簡短,編排清楚,穿插彩色插圖,適合讀者自修或在課堂學習使用。書中包括同頁單字英文注釋與IPA音標,輔助內容理解。隨書附贈MP3,由專業英語老師發音,完整收錄故事內容,幫助您由故事中增進英文聽力與口語能力。

L. Frank Baum 其他作品

綠野仙蹤 (25K原著刪節彩圖英漢版+1MP3)

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (25K原著刪節彩圖英文版+1MP3)



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