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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Talk About My Day 1


83.00  元
HK$ 70.55  

* 叢書系列:Fun Talk
* 規格:平裝 / 72頁 / 21.5*30cm / 普級 / 全彩 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣

Fun Talk

[ 尚未分類 ]

  Talk About My Day!以簡潔道地實用的美語,將小朋友與家長老師間一天中的生活趣味對話,透過小精靈將問題帶出,以一問一答的方式呈現。在家長與老師帶領兒童反覆練習聽說的對話遊戲中,培養小朋友聽懂問題的能力,並循序漸進強化口說及思考的技巧,豐富語言運用能力,而能將自己的想法以簡易的美語回答和思考。

  本書系共分為兩冊,每冊依不同學習主題分十個單元,每個單元包含兩個跨頁,第一個跨頁有生活情境大圖、簡潔的生活英文對話、以及從情境圖中選出 20-25個單字,搭配對話,放在圖下,可同時學習字彙和會話,並加強小朋友對單字的印象,運用在回答裡。第二個跨頁則精心設計了包含句型學習的生活對話,透過反複學習句型,增強學習效率!











Talk About My Day!

  We have presented some common questions children ask during their everyday activities. These questions are presented by genies in the book and answered by the characters in each scenario. You will find that these genies search through every aspect of daily life and ask about everything they see and hear in order to satisfy their curiosity.

  A parent or teacher can invite and help a young reader to practice these conversations. Through reading and using what he or she has read, your young English reader will gain vocabulary, improve listening comprehension, and enhance interpersonal communication skills. This question-and-answer practice will provide your child with a way to express his or her thoughts and discover more about the fascinating new world of English.

  The series of Talk About My Day! has two volumes. Each volume is divided into ten chapters, based on the themes and the time it takes to complete a chapter.

  Each chapter has two spreads. The first spread features a full-color, lively illustrated picture that depicts a child’s everyday life. In the conversation balloons, there are five question-and-answer sample pairs. This format is enjoyable and can help a child discover the pleasure of learning and interacting in conversations. At the bottom of the large scenario picture are 20 to 25 frequently used words from a particular theme. Readers can interchange words in the sentences in order to practice a diversity of sentence structures.

  The second spread features 4 panels of small illustrations that show the transition from the previous illustration. Each panel accompanies a sentence that depicts the situation. The sentence structure is repeated in the following panels and creates a learning pattern that is easy for your child to remember.

The content is:


  This book is packed with fun! It is designed for a parent or teacher to interact with a child (or even several children) through questions and answers. Your child will also enjoy finding the clues provided in the lovely illustrations and using the illustrated items at the bottom of the book to create his or her own answers. This interaction is actually an enjoyable game.


  The color illustrations cater to a child’s imagination and need for stimulation. Your child’s interest in the illustrations will prepare him or her to understand the questions. The written dialogs in each chapter offer your child an interesting opportunity to practice communication skills, exchange ideas, and imagine new ways to use English.


  The contents are based on your young reader’s daily life. Included in the book are the everyday conversations your child has with his or her family and friends. The contents include the reader’s hobbies and school life. The dialogs are practical and can be practiced over and over.


  Your child can learn both vocabulary and communication skills at the same time. A beginner can start building his or her vocabulary by learning the frequently used words that are featured at the bottom of each page. After a child has learned some new words, these words can be used in the dialog. An intermediate student can accumulate new English vocabulary and play with it in simple sentence structures. This structured practice helps your child to avoid practicing any errors and is an essential method for improving his or her communication skills.


  The sentence structures in the dialogs are simple and short. Each sentence uses no more than 10 words.


   The words are grouped according to what usually happens in different places and at specific times throughout a child’s day. When the words are organized in this manner, they make learning easier and more efficient.


  Each conversation is further developed in the 4 panels from the previous larger illustrated scenario. This makes your child’s reading experience as fun and interesting as reading a comic book. As a child reads through the panels, a parent or teacher can show the young reader how to change the subject, object, or verb to make a new sentence structure. The benefit of this feature is that your child will learn different ways to apply what he or she has just learned.


  To make the reading interesting and close to reality, we have designed a total of 40 characters that belong to different age groups, professions, and genders. Each character has his/her unique personality and interests. We have also included 10 curious genies that raise questions. Their existence encourages your child to pay extra attention to what is happening or has happened in the pictures.


  Your child will learn English best through practice. We have designed 10 reading and writing practice sections based on each chapter’s theme and have included them at the end of each book. Your young reader of English can practice and play with what he or she has learned until they are able to freely explain and answer questions about the book’s contents. Remember to encourage your child to read for fun. Reading for fun is how your child will become a creative and powerful user of English.


方雅虹(Yahung Fang)

  加籍華人。Langara College藝術系,Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design 視覺溝通設計系學士。曾任ESL助教、溫哥華社區學校兒童繪畫老師、華語助教。熱愛游泳、舞蹈和美好的事物,是平面設計家,插畫家,也是兒童圖書作家。

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