- 定價650.00元
Elementary English Grammar: A Reference and Practice Book(合訂本)
沒有庫存 訂購需時10-14天
9789575858285 | |
Alex Rath Ph.D./著 | |
寂天 | |
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480.00 元
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HK$ 456
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詳 細 資 料
* 叢書系列:英語文法
* 規格:平裝 / 496頁 / 16K / 普級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣
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內 容 簡 介
People use language to go places and do things. If language is a trip to another place, then grammar is a road and vocabulary is a car. The car is yours, but the road belongs to everybody.
Elementary English Grammar: A Reference and Practice Book is for beginners who want to learn and practice English grammar. It approaches grammar from the bottom up. There are lots of little examples and pictures to show you how to use it. Learn it chunk by chunk.
This book combines ?}how-to?loch with lots of examples with illustrations. The pictures and examples support the how-to and the how-to supports the pictures and examples. This combination gives the reader three ways to understand English grammar. Plus, the combination of examples and illustrations explains the grammar in a way that makes the book lively and interesting.
This book keeps the number of grammar vocabulary words to a minimum. You won’t have to learn any heavy-duty grammar terms. Most of the how-to in this book is stated in a way that tells you when and what to do, or what not to do. The combination of simple how-to statement, pictures, and examples make this book an easy way for people to learn elementary English grammar.
The book is divided into 14 sections. Each section includes practice questions. This is good for you if you want to review usage.
Alex Rath (Ph.D. University of Illinois, USA, 1995)
is an associate professor at Shih Hsin University in Taipei. He has over 15 years of teaching experience, including junior high school, senior high school, and college teaching. He has two other books published by Cosmos Culture Ltd., Classroom English Handbook and Telephone English. He has lived in Taiwan since 1999.
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