- 定價127.00元
A Selection of Literary Readings 1
沒有庫存 訂購需時10-14天
9789867486523 | |
Michaeline Wu | |
語言工場 | |
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50.00 元
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HK$ 42.5
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詳 細 資 料
* 叢書系列:英語閱讀
* 規格:平裝 / 208頁 / 14.8*21.0 cm / 普級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣
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內 容 簡 介
《A Selection of Literary Readings》是一本針對英語閱讀與字彙學習所撰寫的書籍,分為1、2兩冊,共摘錄102篇世界名家範文,包括詩歌、散文、寓言、童話、傳記、名言佳句等,題材廣泛,難易適中,每篇選文皆標出重點單字,以英文定義闡釋,輔以實用例句;不僅練習閱讀,同時累積字彙量,適合中級和中高級程度的讀者自修使用,亦可作為大專英文課程的閱讀範本。
Language began from the birth of a culture and evolves continuously through history with the development of literature, art, music, and other factors. With this book, students are introduced to the world of English literature from the modern days to the past few centuries.
A Selection of Literary Readings is written for English learners of intermediate to advanced levels. It is arranged into 102 short passages. Each passage is followed by a few reading comprehension questions, a short biography on the writer, and definitions for new vocabulary from the passage.
The book is a treasure trove of famous works by more than sixty respected writers from various English-speaking countries around the world. Many of these writers represent the very heart of the English culture and continue to influence people’s perspectives on life.
Michaeline Wu was born in Taiwan and raised in Vancouver, Canada. Her own experience in cultural transition inspired her to help English learners from all walks of life. She has taught English in Canada, Japan, Taiwan and the United States and has worked with students from various cultural backgrounds. Language studies are her passion. She speaks English, Mandarin, Japanese and Cantonese, and is currently learning Spanish. In addition to being an avid traveler, she loves meeting people from different cultures. She has a degree in Commerce from the University of British Columbia in Canada, with a specialization in Finance, and a law degree from DePaul University in the United States. Aside from practicing law full time now, she works extensively with adult English learners.
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