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Intermediate English Grammar: A Reference and Practice Book 2


83.00  元
HK$ 70.55  

* 叢書系列:英文文法學習
* 規格:平裝 / 296頁 / 16K / 普級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


[ 尚未分類 ]

  Intermediate English Grammar: A Reference and Practice Book is written for English learners of intermediate level. The book focuses on intermediate English grammar as well as a review of elementary English grammar. This two-volume book is organized into 16 sections that include grammar rules and usage presented in short statements about how to form phrases and sentences. Numerous examples accompany the description of usage.

  This book is suitable for both class use and home study. You can read it like a book, page by page. You can use it like a dictionary, looking things up as you need them. You can also approach it as a self-study course, and complete the practice exercises. This book can help you with your English language skills. With a little work and a little practice, you will soon master your English grammar.

This Book contains:
Clear descriptions for grammar and usage
Down-to-earth examples
Humorous illustrations
Application-oriented practices



1. 學習主題詳實分類:全書共分15大文法主題,從基本的各種詞類到複雜句型的應用,由淺入深,層層加深學習印象。

2. 分類表格及豐富插圖:以表格將文法重點分門別類,不必費時費力背誦文法規則,節省學習時間,另外豐富有趣的插圖能加強學習效果,使學習文法不再是枯燥無味的功課。

3. 單元複習與重點練習:作者針對每一單元的文法重點,設計出多元且活潑的應用練習,以習題強化正確的文法觀念;另外在部分相似或對比的文法主題間,作者捨棄條列式的文法重點敘述,以複習測驗作為教導文法觀念的方法,從練習與比較中學習正確的文法規則。


  Alex Rath (Ph.D. University of Illinois, USA, 1995) is an associate professor at Shih Hsin University in Taipei. He has over 20 years of teaching experience, including junior high school, senior high school, and college teaching. He has two other books published by Cosmos Culture Ltd., Classroom English Handbook and Telephone English. He has lived in Taiwan since 1999.

  Alex Rath,1995年取得美國伊利諾大學課程與教學博士學位(University of Illinois, Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction),於1999年到台灣定居。曾任教於國中、高中及各大專院校,目前擔任台北世新大學副教授,超過20年的教學經驗。作品有《全英語上課手冊》、《電話英語一講就通》(寂天出版)以及《初級英文文法圖解練習》(語言工場出版)。

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