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華語 (書附CD)


Melinda Roberts,楊麗惠
100.00  元
HK$ 85  

* 叢書系列:華語學習
* 規格:平裝 / 144頁 / 20k / 普級 / 全彩 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


語言學習 > 中文/方言 > 華語學習

  華語為 中文繁體字(Traditional form) / 漢語拼音(Hanyu Pinyin) / 中文簡體字(Simplified form) / 英文(English) 依序對照排列。短期即可理解簡單的漢語表達模式。


  The paramount goal of this conversation book is to make it possible for the learner to effectively acquire, in a short period of time, a great variety of useful, simple, easy, and understandable Chinese expressions.

  This book is composed of a collection of basic words, phrases and sentences commonly used in daily life. The Chinese sounds here are spelled in the pin-yin system with English translations. The pin-yin system is the Hanyu Pinyin system initiated in the People’s Republic of China (pin-yin means ”spelling the sounds” in Chinese). By using the accompanying CDs, the readers are encouraged to accurately pronounce the national language called guo-yu in Taiwan or pu-tong-hua in mainland China. Constant practice will certainly make the learning process effective and interesting.

  One of the interesting and useful characteristics of this book is the comparison of traditional form (繁體字/ 繁体字) with Hanyu Pinyin (漢語拼音/??拼音) on one page and simplified form (簡體字/?体字) with English translation on the next.

中華民國與中國的地理位置The Republic of China and Mainland China,s geographical position.
Unit 1 數 詞Numbers
Unit 2 感 謝 語Expressing thanks
Unit 3 告 別 語Leave-taking
Unit 4 抱 歉 語Apologies
Unit 5 祝 賀 語Congratulations
Unit 6 問 候Greetings
Unit 7 介 紹Introducing people
Unit 8 學 習Studying
Unit 9 交 談Conversation
Unit 10 日 期 和 時 間Dates and Time
Unit 11 星 期 和 月 份Days of the week and months
Unit 12 家 庭Family /
Unit 13 稱 呼Forms of address
Unit 14 國 籍 和 語 言Nationalities and Languages
Unit 15 在 機 場At the airport
Unit 16 辦 理 入 境 手 續Going through entry formalities
Unit 17 問 路Asking directions
Unit 18 在 郵 局At the post office
Unit 19 在 銀 行At the bank
Unit 20 搭 公 車On the bus
Unit 21 搭 火 車Travelling by train
Unit 22 搭 飛 機Travelling by plane
Unit 23 天 氣Weather
/ 附錄Addendum

其 他 著 作