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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations, Third Edition 3/e


Ronald F. Philip J.Hickey, Jr.
767.00  元
HK$ 690.3  

* 叢書系列:餐旅服務
* 規格:平裝 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


[ 尚未分類 ]

  The new edition of this textbook shows students how food service professionals create and deliver guest-driven service; enhance value and build guest loyalty; and continuously improve the process of providing excellent service. Readers learn how every aspect of a food service operation contributes to the guest experience, and explore unique features of a variety of food and beverage operations. The edition includes updated menu trends, a new section on bioterrorism, a new chapter on responsible alcohol service, and new material on leadership, service skills, and service styles. In addition, readers have the opportunity to take the Controlling Alcohol Risks Effectively (CARE) exam, and, by successfully passing the final exam for this course, are eligible to waive the knowledge portion of the certification process for any of several line-level certifications offered by EI.

  本書旨在讓學生瞭解食品服務專業人員如何創造並提供顧客導向服務,提高服務價值並建立顧客忠誠度,持續改善服務品質,從本書中可瞭解餐飲服務操作細節對於顧客服務的影響並探索餐飲業經營之道,內容包括最新的菜單趨勢、生物恐怖主義發展並新增章節討論酒精飲料服務責任、領導力、服務技巧與風格,此外,結束本課程後可參加CARE(酒類風險有效控管) 證照考試,通過者可抵AH&LA教育學院內發行的證照課程理論學分。

Preface 序言
About the Authors 作者簡介

Part Ⅰ
1 Food and Beverage Operations 餐飲服務的作業程

elect Restaurant Service Staff 餐館服務員甄選
3 Select Hotel Food Service Staff 旅館服務員甄選
4 Select Beverage Service Staff 飲料服務員甄選
5 Responsible Alcohol Service 酒精飲料服務責任
6 Menu Development 菜單研發
7 Food Service Supplies and Equipment 餐飲服務的用品與設備
8 Facility Design, D?cor, and Cleaning 餐館設計、室內裝潢與清潔工作
9 Sanitation, Safety, Security, Health, and Legal Issues 衛生、安全、保全、健康與法規議題
10 Labor and Revenue Control 人力與營收控管

Part Ⅱ
11 Casual/Theme Restaurants 休閒/主題餐廳
12 Banquets and Catered Events 宴會與外燴服務
13 Room Service 客房餐飲服務
14 On-Site Food Service Operations 團體膳食

Index 索引

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