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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Eye to Eye


Lanting, Frans (PHT)/ Barry, Jennifer
Running Pr Book Pub
163.00  元
HK$ 138.55  

規格:精裝 / 18頁 / 3.2*18.4*18.4 cm / 普級 / 單色印刷

[ 尚未分類 ]

Vibrant and bold, up close and personal, the Pop-Up Creatures series presents photos of wild animals in their natural habitats, as captured by Frans Lanting, National Geographic photographer extraordinaire. Clever clues and zoomed-in photos hint at whom is hiding beneath the pop-up pages and ask “Who Am I?” With each page turn, a bright, colorful photograph pops up for a 3-D animal experience. The “Creature Features” section includes names, habitats, diets, sizes, and extra fun facts about each animal.

Whether a bold red or stunning ochre, the gazes of these wild animals are undeniably captivating. Tigers roar, impalas leap, and frogs perch across the pages for a fun, fact-filled experience.

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