根據 ETS 的統計,在語言學習過程中,約需具備 2000 ~ 3000 個單字的實力才能流暢看完並看懂一篇文章。實際上,並非所有的單字都必須背到滾瓜爛熟,都會拼寫,才能透徹瞭解文章的文意,有些單字僅是作為閱讀時輔助瞭解內容的工具而已。一般來說,高中生單字的學習,大抵依記憶的深淺度區分為三大類:
a. 實質產出類(Word for Production):日常聽說讀寫與考試時會使用到的關鍵字。
b. 基本認識類(Word for Cognition):有助於語意的瞭解,知道含意即可。
c. 背景資訊類(Word for Background Information):可有可無的模糊單字,如專有名詞、動植物學名等。
It is easy for us / to tell our friends / from our enemies. / But can other animals do the same? / Elephants can! / They can use their sense of vision / and smell to / tell the difference / between people / who pose a threat / and those who do not.
In Kenya, / researchers found / that elephants react differently / to clothing / worn by men / of the Maasai and Kamba ethnic groups. / Young Maasai men spear animals / and / thus / pose a threat / to elephants; / Kamba men are mainly farmers / and are not a danger / to elephants.
學習單字時記得要依循 Word for Production→Word for Cognition→Word for Background Information 的先後次序與熟悉度去記憶。而其中 Word for Production 大部分都是動詞與名詞,熟悉這些產出的動詞與名詞,尤其是動詞的用法,對於翻譯及寫作題型,幫助更大!