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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價117.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$93.6
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夢中書店 Bookstore in a Dream


23.00  元
HK$ 20.7  

規格:平裝 / 39頁 / 11*17cm / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版

文學小說 > > 華文現代詩

  《夢中書店》是收藏於《WORDS & THE WORLD詞與世界》盒裝叢書裡,此叢書由二十本袖珍版詩選組成,分別收錄來自二十位國際著名詩人的精選作品。



  Born in Taipei, Lo Chih Cheng (Luo Zhicheng) graduated from the Department of Philosophy of National Taiwan University. After having worked as editor for China Times for two years, he went to study at University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he earned an M.A. in East Asian Languages and Literature and completed course work in the doctoral program. Since returning to Taiwan, he has assumed various editorial positions at newspapers, magazines and publishing companies and became the publisher of several publishing companies and has taught at several universities for more than 20 years. Active in the media, including television and broadcasting, he also served some official positions such as Commissioner of the Department of Information of Taipei city government and Director of Kwang Hua Information and Cultural Center (Hong Kong). Lo published his first book of poems, which he not only self-financed but also designed and illustrated, in 1975. Since then he has published more than ten books of poetry, five books of prose or critical essays, two books of travel writing and various translations. Lo have received several important literary prizes, organized 2002, 2003 and 2010 Taipei Poetry Festival and participated in 2004 French Spring poetry Festival at Paris and 2005 Literary Festival at Berlin. Lo’s literary works are famous for their philosophical profoundness, imaginative imagery, lyrical syntax and original insight. Already an established poet in the 1970s, he has continued to influence poets of a younger generation.





1. 93霪雨:致永不消逝的「最後讀者」 The Great Rains of ’93-To the Eternal ”Last Reader”
2. 恐龍 Dinosaur
3. 寶寶之書 from Letters to My Darling
4. 蒹葭 Rushes
5. 夢中書店 Bookstore in a Dream
6. 地球之島 Earth Island
7. 我 Me
8. 妳 You

其 他 著 作
1. 光之書(限量精裝、作者親簽+手寫編號•45週年經典版)
2. 光之書(45週年經典版)
3. 理想的讀本:國文1
4. 理想的讀本:國文 2(新版)
5. 理想的讀本:國文4(新版)
6. 理想的讀本:國文1
7. 理想的讀本:國文 2(新版)
8. 理想的讀本:國文4(新版)
9. 無名紀:「硬核文學讀本」《K.書》第四期
10. 預言又止
11. 迷宮書店(修訂新版)
12. 理想的讀本:國文 1 (新版)
13. 個人之島
14. 寫作這一事 真正有意思
15. 理想的讀本:國文4
16. 地球之島
17. 《荒涼糖果店》X《地球之島》限量典藏親簽套組
18. 荒涼糖果店
19. 理想的讀本:國文2
20. 理想的讀本:國文1
21. 問津:時間的支流
22. 坐看雲起:七位美學通家與王維的時光
23. 泥炭紀
24. 黑色鑲金
25. 黑色鑲金(獨家限量精裝300本珍藏編號親簽版)
26. 知識也是一種美感經驗
27. 迷宮書店+遠在咫尺:羅智成攝影之旅(首刷作者親筆簽名限量版+珍藏明信片套組)
28. 遠在咫尺:羅智成攝影之旅
29. 迷宮書店
30. 夢中書房(經典版)
31. 夢中書房(經典版)限量500套珍藏編號親簽版
32. 諸子之書
33. 光之書
34. 寶寶之書【羅智成親筆簽名版】
35. 寶寶之書
36. 透明鳥
37. 地球之島
38. 唸給妳聽
39. 文明初啟
40. 南方朝廷備忘錄
41. 亞熱帶習作
42. M湖書簡
43. 擲地無聲書