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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Overt & Covert Treasures:Essays on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History

Clara Wing-chung Ho
630.00  元
HK$ 567  

規格:精裝 / 608頁 / 18K / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版

專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 文史哲類 > 歷史 > 中國史

  This is the first published volume on a variety of sources for Chinese women’s history. It is an attempt to explore overt and covert information on Chinese women in a vast quantity of textual and non-textual, conventional and unconventional, source materials. Some chapters re-read well-known texts or previously marginalized texts, and brainstorm new ways to use and interpret these sources; others explore new sources or previously overlooked or under-used materials. This book is a valuable product witnessing the concerted effort of twenty some scholars located in different parts of the world.


Clara Wing-chung Ho

  Clara Wing-chung Ho is Professor of History at the Hong Kong Baptist University. She is the editor of several volumes including Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: The Qing Period, 1644-1911 (1998), and Windows on the Chinese World: Reflections by Five Historians (2009).

其 他 著 作
1. Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: The Qing Period, 1644-1911