1. 吸引力Attraction
2. 呼喚靈魂伴侶Calling in Your Soul Mate
3. 電流Chemistry
4. 孩童Children
5. 相互依附Codependency
6. 欺騙Deception
7. 婚約Engagement
8. 表達你的愛Express your love
9. 財務與事業Finances and career
10. 展現風情Flirt
11. 寬恕與學習Forgiving and learning
12. 讓自己自由Free yourself
13. 了解彼此Getting to know each other
14. 給關係一個機會Give your relationship a chance
15. 療癒家庭課題Healing family issues
16. 真心對談Heart-to-heart conversations
17. 蜜月Honeymoon
18. 去愛是安全的It is safe for you to love
19. 保持敞開Keep an open mind
20. 放下控制Let go of control issues
21. 讓朋友協助你Let your friends help you
22. 先愛你自己Love yourself first
23. 付出努力Make the effort
24. 新戀情New Love
25. 熱情Passion
26. 前世的關係Past-life relationship
27. 留意危險訊號Pay attention to the red flags
28. 玩樂Playfulness
29. 和解Reconciliation
30. 釋放前任伴侶Release your ex
31. 宗教因素Religious factors
32. 避靜Retreat
33. 浪漫的感覺Romantic feelings
34. 分離Separation
35. 靈魂伴侶Soul mate
36. 對感情生活保持樂觀Stay optimistic about your love life
37. 可能就是這個人This could be the one
38. 真愛True love
39. 信任Trust
40. 沒有回報的愛Unrequited love
41. 很快Very soon
42. 婚禮Wedding
43. 值得等待Worth waiting for
44. 你值得愛You Deserve Love