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Henna Art初體驗:認識印度的手繪藝術(書+DVD) Henna Art First Experience — understand the art of hand painted in India


123.00  元
HK$ 104.55  

規格:平裝 / 120頁 / 17*23cm / 普級 / 全彩 / 初版 / E


藝術設計 > 繪畫 > 畫冊/繪畫集

  印度傳統手繪藝術Henna,與現代Bady Art的跨世紀對話,獨特手技的東方視覺美感,為了美麗與祝福存在的各式圖騰。








  幾年前,在一趟旅行中,無意間發現了另一項人體彩繪藝術,不需要用畫筆,也不需要沾顏料,而是直接把顏料擠在皮膚上的一種手藝── Mehndi,就這樣沉淪到現在……


  雖說畫 Henna 不過就是自己愛,然後再向外發展到其他人身上,慢慢的野心漸漸大了,希望有更多人能夠認識這項純手工的藝術,於是,擺攤,是!擺攤!不是夜市的攤位,而是現今最熱門的創意市集,能夠參與的,能不放過的都去了,為了自己最愛的,也是唯一會作的,我想我是豁出去了!

  這麼熱愛 Henna 的自己,對 Henna 的最終期望是──別再把Henna 跟刺青搞混了。真的!

  Forward by the Author

  In the past, I’ve always thought that drawings could only be done by brushes and paint, and completed on paper or canvas. Later, I discovered that when you have brushes and paint, you can draw on materials other than paper and canvas; skin, can also become a canvas to draw on. That was my first contact with body painting.

  In my journeys a couple of years ago, I chanced upon another form of body painting art, which can be done without brushes and paint. This form of body artwork can be done merely by directly applying dyes onto the human skin. It is called Mehndi. I have been deeply in love with this form of art ever since…

  There are many incidences in life. These incidences which I am referring to, are those that were not originally in your life plan, or something you have never thought of. They just pop out right in front of you under special circumstances and take root in your lives. These incidents can even help you achieve your full potential. Aren’t these just the best incidents you can have in life?

  I started taking a personal interest in Henna and promoted them to others. I grew ambitious, wanting even more people to fully know this raw form of art. I started to promote my work by setting up booths every where, not in night markets, but in the hottest venue nowadays – the creativity markets. I grasped tightly onto each and every opportunity possible, to promote the only thing I know how to do, which is also my most valued possession. This time, I am all in!

  I, who love Henna ever so deeply, only have one ultimate aspiration, that is – for people to know the difference between Henna and Tattoo. For real!

  沉迷於印度傳統文化 - Henna
  除了畫 Henna,貪玩也是一種技能

  Introduction to the Author:
  She is addicted to the traditional Henna Art culture,
  and obsessed with the uniqueness of the Indian style.
  Other than the ability to create Henna designs,
  playfulness is also one of her life skills.
  She views the world rationally, but views life sensually.

書名頁 001
編輯序 002
作者序 004
推薦序 006
目錄 012
初體驗的第一步─認識Henna ! 014
Henna 材料介紹 020

Part1 基礎技巧
握筆 022
直線 022
弧線 023
曲線 023
粗細線條 024
粗細漸層 025
斷線修補 026
曲線修補 027
小水滴 028
火花 028
三角形 029
鋸齒 029
圓圈 030
同心圓 030
左旋 031
右旋 031
左旋藤蔓 032
右旋藤蔓 032
1 延伸型水滴 033
2 變形蟲輪廓 034
3 葉子 035
4 花朵系列─刮線花蕊 036
4 花朵系列─拉線花蕊 038

Part2 初級構圖
1 橋形紋 042
2 螺旋飾邊圖 043
1 編織線條 044
2 山形紋 046
1 延伸型螺旋 048
2 延伸型藤蔓 049
3 蝶形飾紋 050
4 羽狀飾紋 052

Part3 作品設計
雛菊 056
孔雀 058
火鳥之舞 060
雙魚 062
徽章 066
藤蔓花飾 070
葉形組圖 073
珠寶飾紋 076
緞帶飾紋 078
太陽 081
原住民飾紋 082

Part4 Body Henna
手臂 Henna─婚禮飾紋 086
手背 Henna─印度花飾 090
肩部 Henna─印度羽飾 095
頸部 Henna─小蘭花 098
胸部 Henna─小鳳凰 102
Body Henna 小祕訣
上油 105
噴水 105
剝落 106
作品欣賞 108

Part5 附錄
書籍介紹 113
訂購單 117









Forward by the Editor

  The first time I met X., was on an ordinary afternoon at starbucks.

  To those working in the Cultural and Creative Industry, it is quite common to have an afternoon tea gathering after a meeting. Just when we werechatting away over coffee, a fi gure sitting at the next table caught everyone’s eyes.

  A girl was dressed ethnically from head to toe, along with a couple of people. She seemed relaxed but focused, taking a marker-like tool and quietly drawing beautiful and mystical patterns. A special aroma arose from her pigment, and the most amazing thing was – she was drawing on her own skin!

  Body Art has been around for many years, but to actually witness the creation of a professional work is very astonishing. Everyone was so curious and could not help but go up to her and ask questions. Thus, opened our door to thefirst experience of Henna.

  When the teacher shared with us passionately about the story of Henna and her own learning experiences, it was clear to see that the Indian art of Henna with its deep cultural meanings, is what makes this girl shine with passion in life. Therefore, she also puts a lot of effort in the promotion of Henna,in the hope that more people will get to know and appreciate this form of art.

  After a few meetings, we started to conduct photo and video shoots. In the extraordinary scent of Mehndi, we enjoyed a delightful experience of art. We are able to see the smile of confi dence and happiness on X.’s face while she draws one design after another, elaborating each and every step in detail, and at the same time explaining to us patiently the use of every basic technique and tips. She was especially lively when mentioning the part related to Indian wedding traditions. Now we see Henna’s beautiful lines are rich with so much cultural aspects. These little patterns are able to express more meaning than words can ever do.

  What else makes Henna so attractive? What kind of techniques can be used to create beautiful Henna designs? Just start turning pages, and come with us into the artistic world of Henna Body Art!

其 他 著 作
1. Henna Art初體驗:認識印度的手繪藝術
2. 越夜越美味:超簡易深夜居家料理
3. Henna Art初體驗:認識印度的手繪藝術(書+DVD) Henna Art First Experience — understand the art of hand painted in India
4. Henna Art 初體驗---認識印度的手繪藝術(中英對照) (附DVD)
5. 郭富城舞台寶典光影集
6. 惡魔在身邊-電視劇小說
7. 0002. 菩提樹下的幽會