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Meat: Beef, Pork, Chicken and Duck

Stewed Beef Tongue

012 蘿蔔炆牛腩
Stewed Beef Brisket with Radish

014 清燉黃牛肉
Beef Cheek Stew in Clear Broth

016 花生炆豬尾
Pork Tails and Peanuts Stew

018 南乳炆豬手煲
Braised Front Pork Legs in Red Pickled Bean Curd

020 甜梅菜扣肉
Steamed Pork with Sweet Pickled Mustard Greens

022 欖角豉汁蒸排骨
Steamed Ribs in Black Bean and Black Olive Sauce

024 鹹蝦蒸腩仔
Steamed Pork Belly in Shrimp Sauce

026 野菇紅燒肉
Braised Pork Belly with Wild Mushrooms in Soy Sauce

028 羊腩煲
Mutton Brisket Stew

030 生炆鵝掌
Braised Goose Webs

032 八寶填鴨
Steamed Duck with “Eight Treasures”

034 金針雲耳蒸雞
Steamd chicken with Enoki Mushrooms and Black Mushrooms

036 咖哩薯仔炆雞翼
Braised Chicken Wings and Potatoes in Curry Sauce

038 梅菜心蒸豬肉餅
Steamed Minced Pork Patty with Pickled Mustard Greens

040 薑汁豬腦煎蛋
Pan-fried Pork Brains with Eggs and Ginger

042 煎鑲藕餅
Fried Lotus Roots and Pork Cakes

044 瑤柱肉碎蒸水蛋
Steamed Eggs with Scallop and Ground Pork

Fish, Crab, Shrimp, Clams, Oysters and More

048 清蒸黃腳立
Steamed Black Snapper

050 薑蔥火屈鯉魚
Braised Carp with Ginger and Scallions

052 生抽煎鯧魚
Pan-fried Pomfret in Soy Sauce

054 薑蔥焗魚頭
Braised Fish Heads with Ginger and Scallions

056 黃魚凍
Yellow Croaker Jelly

058 生抽煎大蝦碌
Pan-fried Prawns in Light Soy Sauce

060 梅菜蔥段蒸鯇魚腩
Steamed Grass Carp Belly with Pickled Mustard Greens and Sectioned Scallions

062 陳皮薑米焗鯇魚腸
Steamed Grass Carp Intestines with Dried Tangerine Peels and Ginger Rice

064 陳皮豉汁蒸白鱔
Steamed Eel with Dried Tangerine Peels and Black Bean Sauce

066 薑蔥焗花蟹
Braised Spotted Crabs with Ginger and Scallions

068 薑蔥焗生蠔
Braised Oysters with Ginger and Scallions

070 豉汁炒蜆
Stir-Fried Clams in Black Bean Sauce

072 鹹魚蓉鑲豆腐
Tofu stuffed with Minced Salted Fish Paste

074 鹹魚蒸肉餅
Steamed Minced Pork Patty with Salted Fish

076 鮮蠔汁鮑魚
Abalone in Oyster Sauce

Vegetalbes and Eggs

082 青瓜馬蹄炒圍蝦
Stir-fried Cucumbers and Water Chestnuts with Shrimps

084 蝦蜆肉炒韭菜花
Stir-fried Chive Flowers with Shrimps and Clams

086 勝瓜雲耳炒洋蔥
Zucchinis, black Mushrooms and Onions Stir Fry

088 蠔油涼瓜炒牛肉
Stir-fried Beef Fillets and Bitter Gourds in Oyster Sauce

090 鹹魚蓉鑲苦瓜煲
Bitter Gourds with Salted Fish Stuffing

092 薑汁鹹魚蓉炒芥蘭
Stir-fried Kailan with Ginger Juice and Minced Salted Fish

094 蘿蔔煮魚餅
Fish Cake and Radish

096 蜆肉菜脯煎蛋
Omelet with Dried Radishes and Clams

098 奄仔蟹蒸水蛋
Steamed Eggs with Crabs

100 番茄煮雞蛋
Sauted Tomatoes and Eggs

102 鹹蛋皮蛋蒸肉餅水蛋
Steamed Pork Patty with Salted, Preserved and Fresh Eggs

Soup, Noodles and Rice

106 眉豆花生豬骨煲雞腳湯
Black-eyed Peas, Peanuts, Pork Bones and Chicken Feet Stew

108 花膠老雞煲?螺頭
Stewed Chicken with Fish Maws and Conches

110 青紅蘿蔔無花果煲牛坑腩
Stewed Beef Brisket with Green Radishes, Carrots and Figs

112 章魚蜜棗陳皮豬腱煲蓮藕
Stewed Pork Hock and Lotus Roots with Octopuses, Candied Dates and Dried Tangerine Peels

114 南北杏菜乾煲豬肺
Stewed Pork Lungs with Sweet and Bitter Almonds and Dried Vegetables

116 八寶冬瓜盅
Stewed Wax Gourd with “Eight Treasures”

118 西洋菜陳腎煲龍骨
Stewed Pork Backbones and Roast Duck Kidneys with Watercress

120 生木瓜陳皮老薑煎魚湯
Stewed Fish with Papaya, Dried Tangerine Peels and Ginger

122 白胡椒老薑煲豬肚龍骨
Stewed Pork Stomachs and Backbones with White Pepper and Ginger

124 赤小豆粉葛沙參玉竹煲魚湯
Fish Soup with Red Beans, Acorus Gramineus, Sea Cucumbers and Polygonatum Odoratum

126 豉油皇炒麵
Fried Egg Noodles in Soy Bean Sauce

128 水蟹粥
Crab Rice Porridge

130 基圍蝦田雞粥
Shrimp and Frog Rice Porridge

132 豬肉雞蛋豉油撈飯
Steamed Rice Mixed with Lard, Eggs and Soy Sauce

其 他 著 作
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