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The Cat In The Hat
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規格:平裝 / 64頁 / 0.6*17.8*33 cm / 普級 / 全彩
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你可以用220個字寫出一篇文字押韻內容有趣的故事嗎?Dr. Seuss就是這方面的天才。
The Cat in the Hat敘述下雨天一對無聊的小兄妹在家裡悶得慌,突然來了位不速之客,他荒誕的言語、大膽的表演、神奇的壓箱寶貝與怪手機器,雖然把家裡弄得一團糟,卻也讓小兄妹渡過了最難忘的一天!只要發揮一點想像力,生活可以更豐富多姿喔!電影『魔法靈貓』即由此書改編而成。
This terrific action-packed story is based on the live-action movie script for ’The Cat in the Hat’, which stars the irrepressible Mike Myers. Told from young Conrad’s waggish point of view, this novel is a must-have for Cat fans everywhere!Conrad and Sally have a classic case of the worst-day-evers. It’s raining outside, their babysitter is hogging the television and their mother is having a houseful of estate agents over for a party tonight. Enter The Cat in the Hat, the hippest, coolest, largest feline in town. The result? Cat-astrophe!
Theodor Suess Geisel -- better known to millions of his fans as Dr. Seuss -- was born the son of a park superintendant in Springfield, Massachussets, in 1904. After studying at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, and later at Oxford University in England, he became a magazine humorist and cartoonist, and an advertising man. He soon turned his many talents to writing children’s books, and his first book -- ’And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street’ -- was published in 1937. His greatest claim to fame was the one and only ’The Cat in the Hat’, published in 1957, the first of a successful range of early learning books known as Beginner Books. --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
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