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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Project Management: The Managerial Process with MS Project 6/e


Erik W. Larson
367.00  元
HK$ 348.65  

  • 叢書系列:專案管理
  • 規格:平裝 / 686頁 / 普通級

  • [ 尚未分類 ]

      1.New student exercises and cases have been added to many chapters.

      2.The Snapshot from Practice boxes feature a number of new examples of project management in action as well as new Research Highlights that continue to promote practical application of project management.

    Ch 1 Modern Project Management

    Ch 2 Organization Strategy and Project Selection

    Ch 3 Organization: Structure and Culture

    Ch 4 Defining the Project

    Ch 5 Estimating Project Times and Costs

    Ch 6 Developing a Project Plan

    Ch 7 Managing Risk

    Ch 8 Scheduling Resources and Costs

    Ch 9 Reducing Project Duration

    Ch10 Leadership: Being an Effective Project Manager

    Ch11 Managing Project Teams

    Ch12 Outsourcing: Managing Interorganizational Relations

    Ch13 Progress and Performance Measurement and Evaluation

    Ch14 Project Closure

    Ch15 International Projects

    Ch16 Oversight

    CH17 An Introduction to Agile Project Management

    Ch18 Project Management Career Paths

    Appendix One: Solutions for Selected Exercises

    Appendix Two: Computer Project Exercises

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