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  • 叢書系列:大專資訊
  • 規格:平裝 / 408頁 / 普通級

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 電機資訊類 > 資訊

      In this updated edition, authors Deborah and Eric Ray use crystal-clear instructions and friendly prose to introduce students to all of todays Unix essentials. They’ll find the information they need to get started with the operating system and learn the most common Unix commands and concepts. After mastering the basics of Unix, they’ll move on to how to use directories and files, work with a shell, and create and edit files. They’ll then learn how to manipulate files, configure a Unix environment, and run—and even write—scripts. Throughout the book—from logging in to being root—the authors offer essential coverage of Unix.

    Ch1: Getting Started with Unix and Linux

    Ch2: Using Directories and Files

    Ch3: Working with Your Shell

    Ch4: Creating and Editing Files

    Ch5: Controlling Ownership and Permissions

    Ch6: Manipulating Files

    Ch7: Getting Information About the System

    Ch8: Configuring Your Unix or Linux Environment

    Ch9: Running Scripts and Programs

    Ch10: Writing Basic Scripts

    Ch11: Sending and Reading E-mail

    Ch12: Accessing the Internet

    Ch13: Working with Encoded and Compressed Files

    Ch14: Using Handy Utilities

    Ch15: Being Root

    Ch16: Sensational Unix and Linux Tricks

    Appendix A: Unix and Linux Reference

    Appendix B: What’s What and What’s Where

    Appendix C: Commands, Flags, and Arguments Index

    其 他 著 作
    1. 員工訓練與發展(Noe/ Employee Training and Development 9e)
    2. eMarketing: Digital Marketing Strategy (ISE)(9版)
    3. 人力資源管理:全球經驗本土實踐(9版)
    4. 寫給過了30歲才要開始好好學英文的你我:邁向雙語國家的成人英文基礎課(附Youtor App,及兩段式錄音音檔)
    5. Krause and Mahan’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process, 16E
    6. 水果甜點工作室
    7. 專案管理(Larson/Project Management: The Managerial Process 8e)
    8. 好勝的小刺蝟 Quills
    9. 讓74億人都驚呆的英文心智地圖字首字根字尾+多益單字【網路獨家套書】(附35張超好學全彩心智地圖拉頁+1CD+「Youtor App」內含VRP虛擬點讀筆)
    10. Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage(13版)
    11. Employee Training & Development(9版)
    12. 以太,下一波贏家:第一本以太幣的投資專書(隨書附贈「加速入圈超值包」)
    13. 讓74億人都驚呆的多益單字心智地圖(附17張超好學全彩心智地圖拉頁+「Youtor App」內含VRP虛擬點讀筆)
    14. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management(9版)
    15. 設計重構:25個管理技術債的技巧消除軟體設計臭味
    16. 運動防護之經營與管理
    17. 致富強心臟:牌桌上的最強心理鍛鍊,掙脫「我無法 ? 我應該 ? 我沒錢」人生困局
    18. 【閱讀素養起步走】翻轉知識套書(史上最勵志!改變世界的50位名人獎、聰明保平安!最具生存智慧的50個動物獎)
    19. Burns and Grove’s The Practice of Nursing Research, 9E
    20. Myles Textbook for Midwives, 17E (International Edition)
    21. Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (12版)
    22. Project Management: The Managerial Process (8版)
    23. 睡前5分鐘的多益文法課(免費附贈虛擬點讀筆App)
    24. 夜長夢多
    25. Open Day (1) Practice Book
    26. Open Day (3) Practice Book
    27. Open Day (2) Practice Book
    28. Open Day (3) Student’s Book+Readers
    29. 跟任何人都可以用英文聊天:1天1堂英文課,30天融入老外生活圈【虛擬點讀筆版】(附防水書套+超實用必備聊天句300口袋書+1虛擬點讀筆APP+1CD)
    30. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management(8版)
    31. Employee Training and Development(8版)
    32. 導遊領隊考前衝刺ing(導遊領隊人員考試適用)
    33. SOS救急英文單字+文法+會話(三書合裝版)
    34. English Grammar in Use Book with Answers
    35. Finite Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences (GE) (14版)
    36. 心曠神怡的夏日冰?甜點:高顏值的冰涼甜品,專屬仲夏的幸福絕好滋味
    37. BASIC JAPANESE圖解•萬用日語文法句型自學書
    38. Dr. Ray On Call中(6)--逼爆醫院急症室
    39. SOS救急英文文法:即時找到忘記的「那個文法」!
    40. 日日做甜點:50種居家系甜點食譜,分享甜點好吃的祕密+不會失敗的祕訣。
    41. E-Marketing (ISE) (八版)
    42. Chemistry 13/e
    43. English Grammar in Use 5/e (with Answers and Interactive eBook)
    44. English Grammar in Use 5/e (without Answers)
    45. English Grammar in Use 5/e Supplementary Exercises (with Answers)
    46. 家用烤箱的頂級吐司烘焙術
    47. Big Debt Crises
    48. 護理研究實務:評價、綜合及產生證據(八版)
    49. 劍橋英語語法精解(附光碟)(第4版)
    50. Sdorica After Sunset 萬象物語.納杰爾篇 (全)
    51. 文化研究套書(二)
    52. 新加坡達人天書2019最新版
    53. 超人ORB〔光之傳奇篇〕(全1期)
    54. 跟著多益滿分王一起戰勝全新制多益TOEIC必考單字(附1CD)
    55. 嚴選手作起司烘焙點心:蛋糕、餅乾、瑪德蓮……創意無限變化!
    56. 嚴選手作起司烘焙點心:蛋糕、餅乾、瑪德蓮……創意無限變化!
    57. 劍橋英語語法精解 (第四版)
    58. Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage(11版)
    59. 在家也能華德福【全新修訂版】
    60. 人力資源管理:全球經驗本土實踐(Noe/Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 7e)
    61. 從這裡到那裡
    62. Current Psychotherapies
    63. 完勝TOEIC新制多益:電腦嚴選7,500個必考多益單字(附1CD)
    64. 用英文,到全世界大開眼界(附1CD):國外旅遊、交友、留學、就業的關鍵句2,500
    65. 【牛津通識】法律
    66. 用家用烤箱做法國長棍麵包
    67. 用家用烤箱做法國長棍麵包:外皮酥脆x內層鬆彈x零失敗
    68. Principles
    69. 乘愿再來:讓我的聲音在你心中復活
    70. Dr. Ray On Call中(5)--急先鋒與內行廠
    71. Human Resource Management:Gaining a Competitive Advantage(10版)
    72. CCNP Routing and Switching TSHOOT 300-135 專業認證手冊
    73. 區塊鏈:金融科技與創新
    74. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management(7版)
    75. 行為改變技術:原理與程序
    76. 新加坡達人天書2017-18最新版
    77. Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards
    78. Employee Training and Development(7版)
    79. 新加坡達人天書2016-17最新版
    80. Dr. Ray On Call中(4)--太忙的後裔:醫生叔叔不行了
    81. 人力資源管理:全球經驗本土實踐(6版)
    82. 通識總輯2016
    83. English Grammar in Use Book with Answers and Interactive eBook
    84. 聽能復健導論
    85. 365天,天天學英文(附1MP3+防水收藏盒)
    86. Researching Private Supplementary Tutoring:Methodological Lessons from Diverse Cultures
    87. 閃燈工作坊:人像用燈指南
    88. 劍橋英語語法(第四版) English Grammar in Use(Fourth Edition)
    89. 服務業行銷與管理:互動式觀點 4/e
    90. Star Wars: Journey to Star Wars TheForce Awakens: Lost Stars (HB)
    91. Essential Grammar in Use with Answers and Interactive eBook
    92. 新多益滿分王套書《新多益全真模擬試題+解析+單字》3書+2MP3【獨家套書】
    93. 跟任何人都可以用英文聊天:1天1堂英文課,30天融入老外生活圈(附1MP3)
    94. Dr. Ray On Call中(3)
    95. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management(6版)
    96. 網拍正妹教妳瘦!一天一部位,一週全身瘦
    97. Essential Grammar in Use (withoutAnswers)(Fourth Edition)
    98. Essential Grammar in Use SupplementaryExercises (with Answers)
    99. Essential Grammar in Use With Answers: A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Learners in English
    100. 兒童數學123進階篇