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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
The chronology of Dr. Sun Yat-sen


67.00  元
HK$ 56.95  

專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 政府出版品 > 文化/藝術 > 人物傳記


  Dr. Sun Yat-sen (1866~1925) was a great man highly praised by the world of his time. He endured hardship and eventually founded the Republic of China in a socially turbulent era and an environment surrounded by Western Powers, initiating the new century of democracy in Asia. Between 1894 and 1911, Dr. Sun Yat-sen engaged revolution and called for patriots to establish revolution bases in mainland China and worldwide. His travelled through Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, U.K., France, the United States, Hawaii, Canada, and countries in Southeast Asia. Dr. Sun Yat-sen pursued democracy while his works and deeds were preserved and collected with cherish by people. Moreover, many have built different styles of monuments in world, which is one special honor that one other founding figures have had received, home or abroad, and in the past and now.

其 他 著 作
1. 陳朝寶:大朝大寶藝術朝代之寶(精裝)
2. 雲水逸情:林進忠書畫展
3. 2020中山青年藝術獎
4. 謳歌生命的朝陽 2020 倪朝龍回顧展(精裝)
5. 張伸熙水墨畫集(八) 天韻心景(精裝)
6. 國父紀念館館刊第53期-20190830
7. 湧動 張萬傳110歲紀念展
8. 2017中山青年藝術獎專輯
9. 國父紀念館館刊第47期-20170830
10. 國父紀念館館刊第46期-20170430
11. 國父紀念館館刊第45期-20161230
12. 壹佰零伍年中山青年藝術獎專輯
13. 國父紀念館館刊第44期
14. 傳承與創新:紀念國父孫中山先生150歲誕辰(上下冊)
15. 國父紀念館館刊第43期-20160430
16. 國父紀念館館刊第42期-20151230
17. 孫中山與于右任:革命.書學藝術