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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
iBT新托福寫作:獨立+整合題型拿高分 (附MP3)


133.00  元
HK$ 113.05  

  • 叢書系列:Learn Smart!
  • 規格:平裝 / 304頁 / 17 x 23 cm / 普通級
    Learn Smart!

  • 語言學習 > 語言能力檢定測驗 > TOEFL托福



    Part 1 獨立題型篇

    Chapter 1 媒體與教育類型?? ?

    Unit 1媒體類:畫面過於聳動 ─ 搭配電影:《獨家腥聞》(Nightcrawler)

    題目:“The media today present too many provocative images; instead, the media should place more emphasis on the deeper meaning behind those images.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.

    Unit 2媒體類:藉由電影學習外國事物 ─ 搭配電影:《三個傻瓜》(3 Idiots)

    題目:"Movies tell us a lot about the country where they were produced. Name a movie and explain what you have learned about the country by watching it." Use specific details and examples to support your choice.

    Unit 3媒體類:偏好電影還是小說 ─ 搭配電影:《科學怪人》(Frankenstein)與《瘋狂麥斯》(Mad Max)

    題目:"Some people prefer watching movies, while others prefer reading novels. Which do you prefer?" Explain the reasons for your preference with specific examples and details.

    Unit 4 教育類:大學教育在於培養價值觀,而不是為工作做準備 ─ 搭配電影:《蒙娜麗莎的微笑》(Mona Lisa Smile)

    題目:“The purpose of university education is to help students form a set of values, not to prepare them for future jobs”. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.

    Unit 5 教育類:年輕人是否能教導長輩 ─ 搭配名人故事:史蒂夫•賈伯斯 (Steve Jobs) 與馬克•祖客柏 (Mark Zuckerberg)

    題目:“Young people can hardly teach anything to older people.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific details and examples to support your standpoint.

    Unit 6教育類:從人生中學習:聽取建議或親身經驗 ─ 搭配電影《心靈捕手》(Good Will Hunting)

    題目:“Some people learn about life by listening to the suggestions of elders or friends, while others learn about life through personal experience”. Compare the advantages of these two ways and state your preference. Use specific details and examples to support your preference.

    Chapter 2 環境與人生觀類型

    Unit 7環境類:正在消失的自然資源 ─ 搭配電影《阿凡達》(Avatar)

    題目:“The world is losing lots of natural resources. Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it’s urgent to save it.” Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.

    Unit 8環境類:保育瀕臨絕種動物的環境─搭配電影:《快樂腳》(Happy Feet)

    題目:“Developing an industry is more important than saving the environment for endangered animals.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.

    Unit 9環境類:人類活動是否改善地球環境 ─ 搭配電影《永不妥協》(Erin Brockovich)?? ?與名人故事:麥特.戴蒙(Matt Damon)

    題目:“Some people believe human activities are harmful to the earth; others think human activities make the earth a better place. What is your opinion?” Use specific details and examples to support your standpoint.

    Unit 10人生觀:擁有財富即是成功 ─ 搭配名人故事:德雷莎修女 (Mother Teresa)與瑪拉拉.尤瑟夫札伊(MalalaYousafzai)

    題目:“Only people who possess a large amount of wealth are successful”. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.

    Unit 11人生觀:取得成功應具備的特質 ─ 搭配名人故事:李安 (Ang Lee)與歐普拉(Oprha Winfrey)

    題目:“In your opinion, what are the crucial characteristics that one must have to achieve success in life?” Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.

    Unit 12人生觀:人們不滿足於現狀 ─ 搭配電影:《命運好好玩》(Click)

    題目:“People nowadays are rarely content with the present; they always aim higher or desire more.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.

    Chapter 3前六章重要句型整理、解析及應用

    Unit 13 媒體類重要句型整理、解析及應用

    Unit 14 媒體類及教育類重要句型整理、解析及應用

    Unit 15 教育類重要句型整理、解析及應用

    Unit 16 環境類重要句型整理、解析及應用

    Unit 17 環境類及人生觀類重要句型整理、解析及應用

    Unit 18人生觀類重要句型整理、解析及應用

    Part 2 整合題型篇

    Chapter 4 美國教育、歷史與文學類型

    Unit 19美國教育類:中文學習潮

    題目:The Chinese Learning Craze in the U.S.

    Unit 20美國教育類:網路教學的優缺點

    題目:The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning

    Unit 21美國歷史類:1960年代的嬉皮運動

    題目:The Hippie Movement in the 1960s

    Unit 22美國歷史類:美國內戰之後的重建時期

    題目:The Reconstruction Period after the Civil War

    Unit 23美國文學類:區域主義文學及馬克.吐溫的《哈克歷險記》

    題目:Regionalism and Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

    Unit 24美國文學類:烏托邦文學及反烏托邦文學

    題目:Utopia and Dystopia

    Chapter 5 西洋藝術與科學類型

    Unit 25西洋藝術類:塗鴉藝術及凱斯.哈林

    題目:Graffiti Art and Keith Haring

    Unit 26西洋藝術類:現代主義建築及貝聿銘

    題目:Modern Architecture and I. M. Pei

    Unit 27西洋藝術類:伍迪.艾倫對戲劇的貢獻

    題目:Woody Allens Contribution to Cinema

    Unit 28科學類:火星真的適合居住嗎?

    題目:Is Mars really habitable?

    Unit 29科學類:CRISPR基因剪輯技術和其爭議

    題目:CRISPR Technique and its controversy

    Unit 30科學類:玩耍對動物的重要性

    題目:The Importance of Play for Animals

    Chapter 6 前六章重要句型整理、解析及應用

    Unit 31 教育類重要句型整理、解析及應用

    Unit 32 美國歷史類重要句型整理、解析及應用

    Unit 33 美國文學類重要句型整理、解析及應用

    Unit 34 西洋藝術類重要句型整理、解析及應用

    Unit 35 西洋藝術類及科學類重要句型整理、解析及應用

    Unit 36 科學類重要句型整理、解析及應用



    其 他 著 作
    1. 全新制新多益聽力:金色證書 (附MP3)
    2. 一次就考到雅思閱讀6.5+(附英式發音MP3)
    3. 與國際接軌必備的中英展場口譯(附MP3)