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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介


Nathan Kou
93.00  元
HK$ 79.05  

  • 叢書系列:兒童小說
  • 規格:平裝 / 208頁 / 普通級

  • 童書/青少年文學 > 兒童故事/小說 > 科幻/奇幻



    第1章:亮光 2

    第2章:表象 8

    第3章:惡人 13

    第4章:獲救 19

    第5章:解密 25

    第6章:挑戰 31

    第7章:爹地 37

    第8章:救援 45

    第9章:人身 51

    第10章:基地 58

    第11章:擱淺 64

    第12章:?航 70

    第13章:海國 76

    第14章:夢境 81

    第15章:新生 87

    Chapter 1: The Bright Light 2

    Chapter 2: Seeing Things 8

    Chapter 3: Becoming a Supervillain 13

    Chapter 4: Getting Saved 19

    Chapter 5: Unmasked 25

    Chapter 6: The Three Challenges 31

    Chapter 7: Finally Reaching Father 37

    Chapter 8: My Phoenix Powers–The Four Things 48

    Chapter 9: Changing Back 53

    Chapter 10: The Secret Base 60

    Chapter 11: Stranded 67

    Chapter 12: Getting On Board 73

    Chapter 13: The Journey to Atlantis 81

    Chapter 14: The Two Unpredicted Dreams 87

    Chapter 15: The Huge Change 94




      即便我缺乏一點細節和想像力,我還是喜歡也享受著寫這本書。我要特別感謝我的老師, Mrs. Ponciano和 Mrs. Algara。她們真的教會我追求我的熱情,激發了我寫這本書。我也要感謝我的表姐Lillian Chen,為我的書畫了許多極棒極妙的圖片。這本書還獻給我的兩個朋友,Brandon和Hieu,因為我們的努力和決心,彼此幫助和修改我們不同的書籍。感謝您,圖書出版商和幫忙校正以及其他出版我的圖書所有相關的人。還要感謝我的爺爺和奶奶全力支持我寫這本書,媽媽的努力,把書翻譯成中文版。許多我沒有辦法一一提到的人, 特別感謝他們付出的時間和精力來幫助我, 使得這本書更加特別和?得記念。


      An Inspiring Thing

      Writing this book was an inspiration to me. Even though I lack a little detail and imagination I loved and enjoyed writing this book. I like to give special thanks to my teachers Mrs. Ponciano and Mrs. Algara. Mrs. Ponciano and Ms. Algara really taught me to pursue my passion and that’s what got me into writing this book. I will also like to thank to my cousin Lillian Chen for drawing incredible pictures for my book. This book is also dedicated to my two friends Brandon and Hieu because of our effort and determination to help and revise each other in our different books. Thank you, book publisher and other revisers and other publishers for publishing my book. Also thanks to my grandpa and grandma for supporting me to write this book, mom for working hard and producing/translating a Chinese version of my book. People that I have yet not explained I will also give special thanks to those who dedicate their time and effort in helping me make this book special and memorable.

      Thank you for my wonderful family - Dad, Mom, Joshua, Caleb, and Esther.

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