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Stephen Black
333.00  元
HK$ 316.35  

  • 規格:平裝 / 1296頁 / 17 x 23 cm / 普通級

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 生活英語會話







    Chapter 1 Day to Night 從早到晚?? ??? ??? ??? ?

    Unit 1 Waking Up & Getting Ready起床 & 盥洗

    Unit 2 Exercising in the Morning & Having Breakfast晨運 & 早餐

    Unit 3 Getting Changed外出更衣

    Unit 4 Transportation and Getting to Work通勤方式

    Unit 5 Saying Hello, Introducing Yourself & Friends打招呼、問候、自我介紹 & 介紹朋友

    Unit 6 Going Home After Class or After Work放學或下班後回家

    Unit 7 Saying Good-bye道別

    Unit 8 Before Going to Bed睡前活動

    Chapter 2 情緒表達:喜、怒、哀、樂 Emotions?? ??? ??? ??? ?

    Unit 1 Happiness開心、快樂、幸福

    Unit 2 Anger憤怒

    Unit 3 Sadness & Sympathy悲傷 & 同情

    Unit 4 Frustration, Annoyance & Pressure挫折、壓力 & 煩惱

    Unit 5 Certainty, Doubt &Falsehoods肯定、懷疑 & 欺騙

    Unit 6 Surprise驚訝

    Unit 7 Complaints抱怨

    Unit 8 Encouragement鼓勵

    Unit 9 Apologies道歉

    Unit 10 Requests請求

    Chapter 3 People一樣米養百種人?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?

    Unit 1 Age年齡

    Unit 2 Appellation and Forms of Address稱謂

    Unit 3 Figure & Stature身材

    Unit 4 Race, Ethnicity & Nationality種族、膚色 & 國籍

    Unit 5 Hairstyle髮型

    Unit 6 Positive and Common Personality Traits正面與普遍人格特質

    Unit 7 Negative Personality Traits負面人格特質

    Unit 8 Features長相特徵

    Unit 9 Interests & Hobbies興趣 & 嗜好

    Chapter 4 Family and Home甜蜜負擔的美滿家庭?? ??? ??? ?

    Unit 1 Types of Housing房屋類型

    Unit 2 Rooms, Areas & Other Parts of the House屋內各處

    Unit 3 Furniture傢俱

    Unit 4 Electrical Appliances電器設備

    Unit 5 Family Members家庭成員

    Unit 6 Child Rearing生產、養育

    Unit 7 Pets寵物

    Unit 8 Family Problems家庭問題

    Unit 9 Housework家務打掃

    Unit 10 Housing Repairs房屋修繕

    Unit 11 In the Garden花園

    Unit 12 Renting & Leasing租屋

    Unit 13 Roommates室友

    Unit 14 Moving House搬家

    Chapter 5 Life on Campus多采多姿的校園生活?? ??? ??? ??? ?

    Unit 1 School Subjects & Majors學校系所 & 學習科目

    Unit 2 Clubs & Activities社團活動

    Unit 3 Grades & Scores成績表現

    Unit 4 Tests & Exams各類考試

    Unit 5 Human Relationships人際關係

    Unit 6 Part-time Jobs兼職打工

    Unit 7 In a Relationship戀愛學分

    Unit 8 Failing to Pass the Course留級、延畢

    Unit 9 Graduation & Getting a Job畢業、就業

    Unit 10 Studying Abroad留學、遊學

    Chapter 6 Careers經驗累積的職場生涯?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?

    Unit 1 Job Hunting求職

    Unit 2 Interviews面試

    Unit 3 Job Titles職稱

    Unit 4 Commuting上班通勤

    Unit 5 Telephone Etiquette電話禮儀

    Unit 6 Letters & E-mails書信用語

    Unit 7 Establishing Contacts and Networks人脈建立

    Unit 8 Meetings and Presentations簡報會議

    Unit 9 Talking to Customers顧客洽談

    Unit 10 Pay & Benefits薪資 & 福利

    Unit 11 Business Trips & Working Abroad出差 & 外派

    Chapter 7 Eating餐廳用餐禮儀多?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?

    Unit 1 Choosing a Restaurant決定餐廳

    Unit 2 Booking a Restaurant預約餐廳

    Unit 3 Ordering點餐

    Unit 4 Meat肉類

    Unit 5 Seafood海鮮

    Unit 6 Vegetables蔬菜

    Unit 7 Dessert甜點

    Unit 8 Drinks飲料

    Unit 9 Exotic Food異國食物

    Unit 10 Complimenting讚美餐點、餐廳

    Unit 11 Complaining抱怨餐點、餐廳

    Chapter 8 Travel?? ?旅行,是為了回家?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?

    Unit 1 Arranging the Itinerary安排行程

    Unit 2 At the Airport在飛機場

    Unit 3 Departures, Arrivals & Connecting Flights出境、入境 & 轉機

    Unit 4 Booking a Hotel預訂飯店

    Unit 5 Checking-in & Checking out入住 & 退房

    Unit 6 Scenic Spots觀光景點

    Unit 7 Souvenir Shopping買紀念品

    Unit 8 Getting Lost & Asking for Directions迷路 & 問路

    Unit 9 Transportation搭乘交通工具

    Unit 10 Lost and Found重要物品遺失

    Chapter 9 Shopping購物、採買進退應對?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ?

    Unit 1 Spring & Summer Clothing春、夏服裝類型

    Unit 2 Fall & Winter Clothing秋、冬服裝類型

    Unit 3 Accessories配件種類

    Unit 4 Shops On The High Street 商店街

    Unit 5 Going to the Supermarket去超級市場?? ?

    Unit 6 Paying & Haggling結帳 & 殺價

    Unit 7 Department Stores百貨公司購物

    Unit 8 Shoe Shopping買鞋子

    Unit 9 After-sales Service, Counterfeit Goods & Scams售後服務、仿冒品 & 詐騙手法

    Chapter 10 Sports?? ?運動

    Unit 1 In the Mountains山區

    Unit 2 Watersports水上活動

    Unit 3 Soccer足球

    Unit 4 Basketball籃球

    Unit 5 Other Ball Sports其他球類運動

    Unit 6 At the Gym在健身房

    Unit 7 Dancing跳舞

    Unit 8 Running跑步

    Unit 9 Athletics田徑

    Unit 10 Combat Sports格鬥運動

    Unit 11 Being a Spectator運動迷

    Chapter 11 Entertainment休閒娛樂,好愜意?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?

    Unit 1 Singing, Dancing & Shopping唱歌、跳舞 & 逛街

    Unit 2 Parties, Clubs & Night Clubs派對、酒吧 & 夜店

    Unit 3 Music音樂

    Unit 4 Movies電影

    Unit 5 Art藝術

    Unit 6 Bookstores, Museums & Art Galleries書店、博物館 & 美術館

    Unit 7 Hot Springs & Night Markets溫泉 & 夜市

    Unit 8 Amusement Parks遊樂場

    Unit 9 At the Beach在海灘

    Unit 10 Yoga & Meditation瑜珈 & 冥想、靜坐

    Chapter 12 Health?? ?健康

    Unit 1 Parts of the Body身體部位

    Unit 2 Hospitals & Clinics醫院 & 診所

    Unit 3 Drugstores藥局

    Unit 4 Flu and Minor Ailments流行性感冒

    Unit 5 At the Dentist牙齒問題

    Unit 6 At the Optometrist or Optician眼科相關

    Unit 7 Fractures & Abrasions骨折 & 擦傷

    Unit 8 Pregnancy懷孕

    Unit 9 Cosmetic Surgery醫療美容

    Unit 10 Grave Medical Conditions重症醫療

    Chapter 13 Culture & Tradition?? ?文化習俗與風土民情?? ??? ??? ?

    Unit 1 New Year跨年、新年

    Unit 2 Valentine’s Day情人節

    Unit 3 Father’s Day & Mother’s Day父親節、母親節

    Unit 4 Halloween & Thanksgiving萬聖節、感恩節

    Unit 5 Christmas聖誕節

    Unit 6 Easter復活節

    Unit 7 Weddings婚禮儀式及習俗

    Unit 8 Birthday Parties生日派對

    Unit 9 Chinese and Taiwanese Festivals中式節慶

    Chapter 14 The Environment環境?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?

    Unit 1 Landscape地貌

    Unit 2 Weather天氣

    Unit 3 Animals動物

    Unit 4 Plants植物

    Unit 5 Water, Soil & Sun水、土壤 & 陽光

    Unit 6 Environmental Protection and Pollution環境保護、環境污染

    Unit 7 Earthquakes, Typhoons & Tsunamis地震、颱風 & 海嘯

    Unit 8 Volcanic Eruptions, Hail & Sandstorms火山爆發、冰雹 & 沙塵暴

    Unit 9 Rocks, Minerals & Gems岩石、礦物 & 寶石

    Unit 10 Outer Space 宇宙、太空

    Chapter 15 Numbers & Units數字及常見單位表述方式?? ??? ?

    Unit 1 Numbers & Ordinal Numbers數字 & 序數

    Unit 2 Days, Months & Years年、月 & 日

    Unit 3 Currency Exchange各國錢幣、貨幣兌換

    Unit 4 Materials材質

    Unit 5 Textures形狀

    Unit 6 Shapes & Sizes尺寸 & 大小

    Unit 7 Units, Measurements & Dimensions測量 & 容量單位

    Unit 8 Telephone Numbers & Area Codes; Addresses & Zip Codes電話號碼 & 國際電話區碼;地址 & 郵遞區號


    Part 1 格林法則簡介

    Section 1 英語的濫觴

    Section 2 什麼是「格林法則」?

    Section 3 語音轉換Sound Switching

    Section 4 教學建議

    Part 2 單字與字根對應

    Chapter 1 雙唇音、唇齒音轉換? ?

    Section 1 ﹝p﹞對應﹝b﹞

    purse - burs

    polemic - bell

    pale - blac

    lip - lab

    slip - lubric

    Section 2 ﹝f﹞對應﹝b﹞

    furnace - bust / bur

    fine - bene

    Section 3 ﹝v﹞對應﹝b﹞

    fever - febr

    have - hab

    deliver - liber

    move - mobil

    prove - prob

    Section 4 ﹝b﹞對應﹝p﹞

    bear - par

    burglar - plagiary

    bear - port

    Section 5 ﹝f﹞對應﹝p﹞

    flat - plat

    father - pater

    foot - ped

    nephew - nepot

    fish - pisc

    fee - pecu

    fire - pyr

    fear - peri

    first - proto

    first - prim

    feel - path

    food / feed - pan

    few - pauci / paup

    flow - pluv

    foul - putre

    feel - palp

    fold - ply

    ford - port

    full - ple

    feather - pet

    fasten - pact

    fight - pugn

    office - oper / opus

    Section 6 ﹝v﹞對應﹝p﹞

    savor - sap

    seven - sept

    Section 7 ﹝b﹞對應﹝m﹞

    black - melan

    bad - mal

    big - mag

    Section 8 ﹝f﹞對應﹝m﹞

    form - morph

    Section 9 ﹝b﹞對應﹝f﹞

    brain - fren / phren

    break - frag / fract

    bear - fer / pher

    blow - flat

    black - flam

    bottom - fund

    blossom - flor

    brew - ferv

    bound - fin

    brother - frater

    bore - for

    basket - fisc

    barrow - fort

    Section 10 ﹝p﹞對應﹝f﹞

    pour - fus

    speak - fam

    speak - fess

    speak - fa

    speak - phon

    appear - phan

    Section 11 ﹝m﹞對應﹝f﹞

    make - fac

    Section 12 ﹝v﹞對應﹝f﹞

    love - phil

    Section 13 ﹝b﹞對應﹝v﹞

    belly - ventri

    Section 14 ﹝p﹞對應﹝v﹞

    pull - vuls

    Section 15 ﹝m﹞對應﹝p﹞

    many - poly

    mold - plas

    Section 16 ﹝f﹞對應﹝v﹞

    folk - vulg

    different - var

    brief - brev

    lift - lev

    Chapter 2 雙唇音、唇齒音轉換

    Section 1 ﹝w﹞對應﹝v﹞

    wall - vall

    will - vol

    worm - verm

    wine - vin

    wagon - veh

    waste - vast

    wish - vener

    (for) ward - vers

    wag - vibro

    weave - veil

    word - verb

    wade - vad

    wake - vig / veg

    way - via / voy

    wander - vag

    wind - vicar

    wound - vulner

    wear - vest

    wit - vid / vis

    new - nov

    Section 2? 字母「w」對應字母「u」

    water - und

    sweet - suad

    one -uni

    Chapter 3 齒間音、齒齦音、齒齦後音、硬顎音轉換

    Section 1 ﹝t﹞對應﹝d﹞

    two - di

    two - duo

    two- de

    two - dis / di

    ten - deca

    teeth - dent / dont

    tame - dom

    talk - dic

    tow - duc

    tree - dur

    timid - dino

    teach - doc

    tear - derm

    root - rad

    rat - rod

    cut - cide

    eat - ed

    great - grand

    sit - sed

    two - dia

    (以下內容至Section 16)

    Chapter 4 硬顎音、軟顎音、喉門音轉換

    Section 1 ﹝k﹞對應﹝g﹞

    sect - seg

    acre - agri

    corn - gran

    know - gn

    crowd - greg

    lax - langu

    ache - alg

    eke - aug

    cleave - glyph

    carve - graph

    ankle - angl

    work - erg

    act - ag

    act - agon

    Section 2 ﹝h﹞對應﹝g﹞

    heavy - grav

    Section 3 ﹝g﹞對應﹝k﹞

    grow - cre

    gall - chol

    egalitarian - equ / equi

    Section 4 ﹝h﹞對應﹝k﹞

    heart - cord

    horn - corn

    hundred - cent

    horse - equ

    hound - cyn / can

    have - cap

    house - eco

    hearth - carbo

    hour - chron

    hurry - celer

    heat - cal

    head - cap

    horse - cur

    hill - cel

    heaven - cel

    hand - chiro

    heap - cumul

    hole - cav

    hide - cel / ceal

    harvest - carp

    hew - cuss

    white - cand

    hub - centr

    (以下內容至Section 8)

    Chapter 5 子音對應相同

    Section 1 ﹝b﹞對應﹝b﹞

    beautiful - bell

    book - biblio

    beat - bat

    bind - band

    Section 2 ﹝p﹞對應﹝p﹞

    people - popul

    pig - porc / pork

    push - pel

    please - plac

    paint - pict

    pray - prec

    power - potent

    peace - pac

    price - prec

    pure - purg

    punish - pen

    appear - par

    prey - preda

    Section 3 ﹝m﹞對應﹝m﹞

    man - mas

    market - merc

    mix - misc

    move - mot

    machine - mechan

    mind - mania

    mold - mod

    remember - memor

    small - min

    small - micro

    many - multi

    month / moon - men

    mouse - myo

    mid - meso

    miss - mut

    Section 4 ﹝f﹞對應﹝f﹞

    flow - flu

    fiber - fibr

    face - fic

    fight - flict

    free - franc

    freeze - frig

    fire - flam

    flee - fug

    fear - phob

    Section 5 ﹝v﹞對應﹝v﹞

    void - vac / van

    vital - viv

    Section 6 ﹝d﹞對應﹝d﹞

    down - de

    day - di

    direct - dress

    order - ordin

    Section 7 ﹝t﹞對應﹝t﹞

    time - tempo

    turn - turb

    intestine - entero

    turn - tour

    turn - trop

    Section 8 ﹝n﹞對應﹝n﹞

    no - ne / neg

    no - nihil

    no - null

    name - nomin

    name - onym

    number - numer

    nose - nas

    naked - nud

    night - noct

    nine - non

    nine - novem

    nine - ennea

    nurture - nutria

    Section 9 ﹝l﹞對應﹝l﹞

    light - lumen

    light - luc

    leaf - libr

    loose - lax

    loose - lys

    lean - climo

    length - long

    language - lingu

    line - lin

    limit - limin

    letter - liter

    island - insul

    league - lig

    lean - clin

    mutaion - migr

    old - al / ul

    Section 10 ﹝g﹞對應﹝g﹞

    gorge - gurg

    Section 11 ﹝k﹞對應﹝k﹞

    cause - cus

    cross - cruc

    clear - clar

    call - claim

    cook - coct

    care - cur

    citizen - civi

    color - chromo

    common - commun

    quarrel - quer

    calm - qui

    Section 12 ﹝h﹞對應﹝h﹞

    whole - holo

    heir - her

    human - homo

    (以下內容至Section 15)

    Chapter 6 ﹝o﹞變化

    Section 1 ﹝s﹞對應﹝h﹞(拉丁語、英語字母「s」,對應希臘語字母「h」)

    six - hexa

    sun - helio

    seek - hegemon

    sleep - hypno

    sweet - hedon

    serpent - herp

    salt - hal

    sit - hedron

    seven - hepta

    same - homo

    super - hyper

    sacred - hagio

    sew - hymen

    same + other - hetero

    Section 2有﹝h﹞對應沒﹝h﹞

    haughty - alt

    Part 3 字根與字根對應

    Chapter 1 雙唇音、唇齒音轉換

    Section 1 ﹝p﹞對應﹝b﹞

    pot - bib

    nup - nub

    Section 2 ﹝m﹞對應﹝p﹞

    crim - culp

    Section 3 ﹝b﹞對應﹝f﹞

    ambi - amphi

    Section 4 ﹝p﹞對應﹝f﹞

    opt - ophthalm

    Section 5 ﹝f﹞對應﹝v﹞

    phag - vor

    Section 6 ﹝p﹞對應﹝v﹞

    rap - rav

    Chapter 2 雙唇音、唇齒音轉換

    Section 1 字母「u」對應字母「v」

    au - av

    lau - lav

    nau - nav

    neur - nerv

    solu - solv

    volu - volv

    Chapter 3 齒間音、齒齦音、齒齦後音、硬顎音轉換

    Section 1 ﹝r﹞對應﹝d﹞

    acer - acid

    Section 2 ﹝z﹞對應﹝d﹞

    oz - odor

    Section 3 ﹝s﹞對應﹝d﹞

    cas - cad

    cess - ceed

    clus - clud

    vis - vid

    gress - grad

    lus - lud

    fens - fend

    pens - pend

    plaus - plaud

    spons - spond

    scens - scend

    ris - rid

    ras - rad

    (以下內容至Section 9)

    Chapter 4 硬顎音、軟顎音、喉門音轉換

    Section 1 ﹝k﹞對應﹝g﹞

    fict - fig

    lect - leg

    Section 2 ﹝g﹞對應﹝k﹞

    log - locu

    Chapter 5 子音對應相同

    Section 1 ﹝p﹞對應﹝p﹞

    apt - ept

    Section 2 ﹝m﹞對應﹝m﹞

    mani - manu

    mont - mount

    mers - merg

    Section 3 ﹝v﹞對應﹝v﹞

    ovu - ovi

    Section 4 ﹝d﹞對應﹝d﹞

    damn - demn

    Section 5 ﹝t﹞對應﹝t﹞

    tac - tic

    Section 6 ﹝n﹞對應﹝n﹞

    negr - nigr

    nounc - nunci

    ann - enn

    Section 7 ﹝k﹞對應﹝k﹞

    circ - cycl

    Section 8 ﹝r﹞對應﹝r﹞

    ory / ery - ary

    Section 9 ﹝s﹞對應﹝s﹞

    salt - sult / sili

    strat - stern

    Chapter 6 ﹝h﹞變化

    Section 1 ﹝s﹞對應﹝h﹞(拉丁語、英語字母「s」,對應希臘語字母「h」)

    semi - hemi

    sub - hypo

    Chapter 7 因接黏字根而變形

    Section 1 同化作用(assimilation)

    com - cog / col / con / cor / co

    en - em

    syn - sym / syl / sy

    ex - ef / ec / es / e

    in - im / il- / ir / ig

    sub - suc / suf / sug / sum / sup / sur / sus

    ad - ac / af / ag / all / an / ap / ar / as / at

    ob - oc / of / op / o

    dis - dif / di


      In the 21st century, English continues to be the lingua franca of the world.? As a common language shared by so many different peoples in various different parts of life, including business, education, science and the arts, having a good grasp of English can greatly enhance your appreciation of the world around you.? However, fluency in a foreign language is not something that can be achieved overnight.

      Becoming fluent in English takes a lot of dedication, determination, and hard work.? It is a lifelong commitment, as language constantly adapts as the world around us evolves.? Just think of all of the language associated with the internet; discussing ‘streaming,’ ‘downloading’ and ‘posting on Facebook’ would not have made any sense at all just a couple of decades ago!? For our communication with others to be meaningful, the language used has to be relevant to the situation.

      Different situations require us to employ different types of language, which is why this book is divided into clearly headed units related to everyday situations or topics of interest to many people.? In each unit, there is a wide variety of sentences that elementary, intermediate, and advanced speakers of English may use, or hear others use, in real life situations.? This book is not designed to be read cover to cover, but rather to allow the learner to dip into whichever sections best meets his or her own interests and needs.? For example, the vocabulary and tone you might hear or use when participating in or discussing sport can differ greatly from that used in a business context.?? No matter what topic is important for you to learn more about, there’s plenty of material here to help you do so more confidently.? Full sentences are used in realistic contexts to make key words and phrases more meaningful for the learner, and the translations into Chinese also make it easier to fully understand the meaning of each sentence. ?

      We wish you the best of luck in your learning journey!

    Stephen Black & John Dixon

    其 他 著 作
    1. 前進滿分GEPT全民英檢中級試題解析+單字大全(附「Youtor App」內含VRP虛擬點讀筆)
    2. 前進滿分GEPT全民英檢初級試題解析+單字大全(附「Youtor App」內含VRP虛擬點讀筆)
    3. 前進TOEIC多益單字滿分筆記(附防水書套+遮色片+QR Code)
    4. 零基礎多益考高分攻略:18分鐘掌握多益核心單字
    5. 親子英語必備2000句
    6. 18分鐘掌握多益核心單字:史上最有效率的單字記憶術!
    7. 地表最強英語會話12,000(附1MP3)
    8. 35歲以後要上的33堂英文課(1書+1MP3)