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  • 定價217.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$173.6
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248.00  元
HK$ 223.2  

  • 規格:平裝 / 610頁 / 14.8 x 21 x 3.1 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 語文:中英對照

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 寫作/翻譯

      《維克斐牧師傳》,漢譯名又作《威克菲德的牧師》,愛爾蘭作家歌士米(1730-1774)所著,為英國維多利亞時期最流行的小說之一,被譽為「諷刺感性小說」,行文美不勝收, 影響深遠,大文豪葛特(歌德)、司各脫皆推崇備至。小說描寫一家庭遭逢大變,仍存心愷悌,對於人事得失、公平寬恕、受禍不減其駟良、遇變不失其常度, 終於渡過厄運的考驗及獲得應有的回報。


      “The Vicar of Wakefield” by Irish author Oliver Goldsmith,was one of the most popular novels during British Victorian Era. It was well-received as both a satire and a sentimental novel, and greatly influenced later Man of Letters such as von Goethe and Sir Walter Scott.

      This Chinese version was translated and annotated by Woo Kwang-Kien, one of the three greatest translators of modern China, over a time-span of two decades. This work was a classic and quintessence of early modern translation from English to Chinese that had demonstrated Woo’s concise, classically elegant and beautiful writing style. Literature translation always encounters problems arising from cultural differences and thus much more demanding. We cordially encourage readers to ruminate thoroughly Woo’s annotations and notes in this one of his representative work.

    本書特色?? ?


      ●Classic English Literature Collection with Chinese Translation




      ●This Chinese version was translated and annotated by Woo Kwang-Kien, one of the three greatest translators of modern China

      ●This work was a classic and quintessence of early modern translation from English to Chinese that had demonstrated Woo’s concise, classically elegant and beautiful writing style.



    其 他 著 作
    1. 維克斐牧師傳譯註
    2. 現象學與人文科學 No.7 胡塞爾:從邏輯到歷史
    3. 現象學與人文科學 No.6梅洛龐蒂:以人文科學改造現象學專輯
    4. 現象學與人文科學 No.5 海德格:詮釋現象學及其蛻變-《存在與時間》專輯
    5. 陶情萬旅:簡黃彬.劉國英 浮雕創作專輯
    6. 萬戶千門任卷舒:勞思光先生八十華誕祝壽論文集
    7. 現象學與人文科學第四期—沙特:存在與辯證思維 Phenomenology and the Humman Sciences No.4 Sartre:Existence and Dialectics
    8. 修遠之路:香港中文大學哲學系六十週年系慶論文集.同寅卷
    9. 求索之?:香港中文大學哲學系六十週年系慶論文集.校友卷
    10. 《現象學與人文科學》第三期<現象學與佛家哲學專輯>
    11. 現象學與人文科學2:現象學與道家哲學
    12. 無涯理境:勞思光先生的學問與思想
    13. 在求真的道路上 - 賀沈宣仁教授七秩之慶