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      在電腦輔助加工軟體方面,本書透過編程實例來直接導引多軸銑削加工的應用概念,操作案例經由英國Delcam公司推出的PowerMILL軟體做編寫,它是目前全球市面上廣泛用於2~5軸數控銑削加工自動編程系統。在加工實作方面,本書則通過日本Roland公司MDX-40A CNC雕刻機以及德國Siemens公司SINUMERIK 840D sl控制介面的五軸加工機進行講解。對其他品牌的CAM軟體或控制器介面,讀者應該會很方便的觸類旁通,融會貫通。




    1. 緒 論(Introduction)

    2. 多軸加工基本運動及座標系統(Basic motion and Coordinate System in Multi-Axis Milling)

    2.1 多軸銑削加工基本概述(Basics for Multi-Axis Milling)

    2.2 銑削加工之座標系統(Coordinate system on milling machines)

    3. 多軸銑削加工刀具軸向設定(Tool Axis Setup for 5-Axis Milling)

    3.1 簡介( Brief Introduction)

    3.2 刀軸設定與加工選項(Tool-Axis Setup and Toolpath Strategies)

    3.3 進退刀�偏斜概述(The concept of Lead/Lean)

    3.4 範例-1 進退刀�偏斜,朝向點�從點(Example-1 Lead/Lean, Touard/From Point)

    3-5 範例-2 朝向線�從線(Example-2 Toward/From Line)

    3-6 範例-3 朝向曲線�從曲線(Example-3 Toward/From Curve)

    3-7 範例-4 固定方向(Example-4 Fixed Direction)

    4. 四軸加工範例:造型香水瓶(4-Axis Macnining: A Rotary-Bottle)

    4.1 基本設定(Basic Setup)

    4.2 粗加工(Rough Machining)

    4.3 精加工(Finish Machining)

    4.4 實體加工模擬(Machining Simulation)

    4.5 產生並輸出NC 碼(Export NC Code)

    5. 五軸加工範例:3+2 定面加工(5-Axis Machining: 3+2 Fixed-Face Milling)

    5.1 基本設定(Basic Set-up)

    5.2 粗加工(Rough Machining in 3-Axis)

    5.3 精加工(Finish Machining in 3-Axis)

    5.4 3+2 定面加工(Machining for the pockets with 3+2 axis)

    5.5 加工模擬(Machining simulation)

    6. 五軸加工範例:哆拉A 夢(5-Axis Machining: Model of Doraemon)

    6.1 基本設定(Basic Setup)

    6.2 粗加工( Rough Machining)

    6.3 精加工(Finish Machining)

    7. 五軸加工範例:足球(5-Axis Machining: Soccer Ball)

    7.1 基本設定(Basic Setup)

    7.2 粗加工(Rough Machining)

    7.3 清溝與Logo 加工(Machining Logo)

    8. 五軸加工範例:觀音像(5-Axis Machining: Statue of Guan-Yin, Goddess of Mercy)

    8.1 基本設定(Basic Setup)

    8.2 粗加工(Rough Machining)

    8.3 精加工(Finish Machining)

    9. 五軸加工範例:高腳杯(5-Axis Machining: High-Foot Cup)

    9.1 基本設定(Basic Setup)

    9.2 內側加工(Machining the Inside)

    9.3 外側加工(Machining the Outside)

    10. 五軸加工範例:渦輪葉片(5-Axis Machining: Turbine Blades)

    10.1 葉片工法及前置作業(Turbine Blade Machining Strategies)

    10.2 葉片粗加工(Blade Rough Machining)

    10.3 葉片精加工(Blade Finishing)

    10.4 輪軸精加工(Hub Finishing)

    10.5 加工模擬(Simulation)

    11. 加工機台模擬(Machine Simulation)

    模擬步驟(Procedure of Simulation)

    12. 加工機基本設定及運行(Basic Setup and Start Machining)

    12.1 四軸銑床基本設定及運行實例-Roland MDX-40A CNC 雕刻機(Basic setup and operation for Roland MDX-40A 4-Axis Milling Machine)

    12.2 五軸銑床基本設定及運行實例:西門子SINUMERIK 840D sl 控制器

    (Basic setup for 5-Axis Machine with Siemens SINUMERIK 840D sl Controller)

    附錄1 G&M 碼基本機能簡介(List of Basic G&M Codes for Milling)

    附錄2 多軸銑削加工認證試題(Certification Tests for multi-axis machining)


    前言 (Preface)

      近年來電腦技術的突飛猛進所導致加工技術日新月異,物聯網所引起的「零庫存」概念對製造業革命性衝擊,要求「小批量多樣化」甚至「隨到隨做」的需求。而電腦控制及運算的能力又為以上的需求提供了無限的可能性。因此近年來電腦輔助製造(Computer Aided Manufacturing,CAM)的進步也可以說跳躍性的。Due to great achievements in computer technology, the requests for “Zero Storage” and “Flexible Manufacturing” gradually becomes reality.

      因應時代的變遷以及產業競爭的需求,業界和學校近年來引進越來越多的多軸加工中心,因此現在非常需要有一些相關的比較基礎和實用的教材。此外目前在技術考試證照中加工領域只有丙級和乙級,而還沒有相應的甲級證照,筆者認為一個主要原因是在多軸加工(多軸銑削及車銑複合等)技術的普及/規範化有待於提到一定的高度。基於此因以及上司和同事的鼓勵與促使,才拋磚引玉地試圖編寫這本以實作為導向的“電腦輔助性多軸銑削加工”基礎教材。Although more and more multi-axis machine centers have been introduced into companies and schools, there are very few text books to systematically teach fundamentals and practices in this subject. Therefore, this book is an effort to make multi-axis machining process easier to learn.


      詳述CNC多軸加工操作的主要步驟,Steps for the Multi-Axis Milling explained in the book:

      CAD模型的輸入,Import and place the CAD model;

      工件材料及刀具選擇,Establish Block material and cutting tools;

      刀具路徑計算,Create toll paths based on the geometry and cutting strategies;

      虛擬加工模擬,Virtual machining simulation to confirm the toll paths;

      虛擬機器模擬,Virtual machine simulation to prevent collision;;

      NC碼輸出,Export NC (G&M) codes;

      機台工作座標確立,Establish Work Coordinate on real multi-Axis milling machine;

      刀具長度測量,Measure toll length compensations;

      四軸或五軸銑削加工的進行, Start to machine.

      本教材特點, Special features of this book::


      Easy to read, follow and practice;


      Feel much easier if the reader has at least basic idea or experience in three-axis milling practice.


      Written bilingually in Chinese-English, this book is to serve non-Chinese readers as well as for native-Chinese readers to improve their Professional English.

      本書撰寫過程中,得到了各層面的激勵及促使。例如崑山科技大學工學院及機械系長官不懈的鼓勵;達康科技股份有限公司(DelCAM Taiwan)的總經理以及西門子科技股份有限公司臺灣分公司(Siemens Taiwan)相關主管的認可。崑山科技大學機械系與達康科技公司(DelCAM Taiwan)在CNC加工方面密切聯合之研究與教學已有十餘年之久。現在合作編寫此教材,也算是多年以來合作結晶之展現吧。During the preparation and writing of the book, encouragements from the colleagues of Kun Shan University were the source of energy. Moreover, approves from both managements of DelCAM Taiwan and Siemense Taiwan were also appreciated. The close cooperation between Kun Shan University and DelCAM company dates back over more than ten years, and therefore this book could be a very good summery.

      此外作者還要特別感謝, Special thanks go to:


      Foreign Students Turbat Byambadelger, Uranzaya Janchivdorj and Max Aguilar Camacho in Kun Shan University (Taiwan) for their tireless efforts in editing the writing and confirmation on machine setup procedure as well as real machining.


      Mrs. Kai of DelCAM Corporation for her great helps in CAM programing and posting out NC codes;

      •新營高工模具科高賦源老師對銑削加工常用G&M碼的確認。Mr. F.Y. Gao from National XinYing Industrial Vocational High School, for his confirmation on most used G&M codes in milling operation.


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