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浩爾 Howard,許皓 Wesley,Dean Brownless
160.00  元
HK$ 152  

  • 叢書系列:Linking English
  • 規格:平裝 / 320頁 / 14.8 x 21 x 1.6 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
    Linking English

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 商務會話

    「創譯兄弟」貿協商英講師──許皓 Wesley × 會走路的翻譯機──浩爾 Howard

    +商業背景外籍教師 Dean Brownless









      一週一篇,52 週英文優雅升級!



    Preface 序一�浩爾 Howard

    Preface 序二�許皓 Wesley

    Preface 序三�Dean Brownless

    Season 01

    Week 01 The Handshake 握手透露的秘密

    Week 02 The Handshake 從握手看人

    Week 03 Small Talk 閒聊哈啦

    Week 04 Small Talk 辦公室裡的閒扯二三事

    Week 05 Asking for Help 拜託!

    Week 06 Politely Declining an Offer to a Company Dinner 禮貌性婉拒公司的晚餐派對

    Week 07 Work Dinner 尾牙

    Week 08 Entertaining Foreign Clients 款待外國客戶

    Week 09 Entertaining and Advising給辦公室戀情的忠告

    Week 10 Preparing for a Business Trip 準備出差

    Week 11 Moaning about Training 抱怨培訓課程太無聊

    Week 12 Breakdown in Communication While on a Business Trip 商旅對話頻頻跳針

    Week 13 Offering Advice at a Family Gathering 家族聚會的建議

    Season 02

    Week 14 Setting a goal 定下目標

    Week 15 Hiring a foreign language tutor for staff 僱用培訓員工的語言老師

    Week 16 Discussing how to increase consumer base 討論如何讓客戶增加

    Week 17 Making a conference call 電話會議

    Week 18 Late for a meeting 開會遲到

    Week 19 Business Negotiations 協商

    Week 20 Acting on a security breach 改善安全漏洞

    Week 21 Making a workplace disabled-friendly? 無障礙的工作環境

    Week 22 A team building event 團契活動

    Week 23 Customer’s problem-solving over the phone 電話上解決顧客問題

    Week 24 Making an excuse while on a call 打電話時編造藉口

    Week 25 Finding a suitable candidate for a new position 為了新職缺找適合的人選

    Week 26 Miscommunication on the phone 講電話的誤會

    Season 03

    Week 27 Morning Huddle 晨會

    Week 28 A briefing簡報

    Week 29 Talking shop with the new GM 跟總經理談公事

    Week 30 Handling queries during a presentation 簡報期間回答問題

    Week 31 Visiting the doctor while on a business trip 出差時看醫生

    Week 32 Workplace ethics and behaviour 職場倫理及舉止

    Week 33 Firing an employee 解雇員工

    Week 34 Networking at a seminar 研討會中建立人脈

    Week 35 Tips for presentations 簡報訣竅

    Week 36 Tips for presentations 2 簡報訣竅 2

    Week 37 Working overtime 加班

    Week 38 Take a day off. 放一天的假

    Week 39 Binge-watching a TV show 不分日夜地追劇

    Season 04

    Week 40 Reading post-it notes 看便條

    Week 41 Leave a note 留便條

    Week 42 Receiving a job rejection email 收到一封工作應徵拒絕電郵

    Week 43 Responding to a job rejection letter 回一封工作拒絕信

    Week 44 Write a “Dear host family letter” 寫一封給寄宿家庭的信

    Week 45 Quotation and Budgets 報價與預算

    Week 46 Price negotiation 講價

    Week 47 Errors and mistakes 失誤和錯誤

    Week 48 A complaint email 客訴信

    Week 49 Cover letter 求職信

    Week 50 Medical examination results 健康檢查報告

    Week 51 An idiom overload email 充滿俚語的電郵

    Week 52 Scam email 詐騙電郵




    創譯兄弟 浩爾 Howard







      除了「用英文建立關係」這項關鍵能力,商用英文的溝通對象大多來自與我們相異的文化背景。以歐美文化為例,往往會先 small talk 再切入正題,而我們最不擅長的就是用英文閒聊!



      這本書能誕生,要感謝李芃主編的耐心。感謝 Wesley 老哥的專業精闢解析,讓讀者好學習好記憶。感謝我的愛爾蘭兄弟 Dean,創造出生動實用的情境內容。感謝插畫家 Erique 精緻的繪圖和用心,讓視覺呈現更加生動活潑。也謝謝閱讀至此的您,謝謝您選擇拿起這本書,相信不會讓您失望的。


    學好真商英∼ 52 個主題,52 週的商英故事書

    創譯兄弟 許皓Wesley

      首先感謝聯經出版公司和主編李芃小姐,以及著作夥伴 Dean Brownless, Howard Chien, 以及插畫家 Soon 的協力。

      早期從事 HR 人資面試官,亦擔任十多年的升學以及商英企訓講師,在商英教學經歷中,曾任教於台商、日商、美商,與知名的阿里巴巴。


      如 review 大家常知動詞用法(V. 複習),而大家在一些資料所看到的卻是更應知之商務名詞用法(N. 評論);restaurant review 餐廳評論,自然不能稱作餐廳複習。(笑)


      此書討論確立出 52 週,週記式的情境學習,以其中的情境故事力,相信非常適合學習語言的各類人士。其中的「商英譯起來」,更是集合多年經驗,將其中〔商務單字〕和〔商英會話高頻片語〕做分析,並從沿革中連結記憶,將之成為每篇簡單易懂的「真實商英會話懶人包」。


      相信此書集合了你我辛勤上班的 52 週小故事,期許不只是語文工具書,更是一本實用有趣的商英故事書。


    Dean Brownless

      As an English teacher for the last five years, I have been asked the same question time after time; “Teacher, how can I improve my conversational English to better understand native English speakers”? My answer has always been the same; speak like one of them! The desire for my students to seamlessly blend into English conversations was evident. How exactly could they achieve that, though? It was then that the idea for this book was born. I had to create something to provide for my students and others. I wanted to give them something that they could take with them into a multitude of situations and feel confident in their ability to converse and perform.


      A large portion of this book is loosely based on my past experience and situations I have personally been involved in. Meeting and dealing with people in different situations gave me the inspiration to write this book. I have always been fascinated by people, human behavior, and interaction. I believe I can mold myself into any conversation, no matter the topic, social class, or environment, and I know many people don’t have that skill. However, it can be learnt.


      Combining my knowledge and experience I created 52 different units based on daily interactions focusing on work and entertainment settings. Learn how to flawlessly deal with different people and gain a better understanding of common idioms, slang and behavioural cues.

      結合我的知識與經驗,我打造出 52 個單元內容,聚焦工作與休閒生活場景。一起來學習順暢溝通,熟悉常用俚語諺語,並領略人際互動的秘訣。

      By reading and studying the units you will be well able to communicate with English speakers on a global scale. In this busy age of information sharing, we can sometimes forget and lose a lot of what is valuable. There is no greater feeling than providing valuable information to people that they can use in their daily lives. Whether you’re a college student, graduate, or business professional, this book is for you! Regardless of how you use it, I truly believe this book will help you take your English communication and understanding to the next level.



    其 他 著 作
    1. 創譯兄弟商英職人養成術:52週英文質感優雅升級