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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
哈利波特立體書豪華珍藏:斜角巷 Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Guide to Diagon Alley and Beyond


Reinhart, Matthew
Insight Editions
358.00  元
HK$ 322.2
省下 $35.8

  • 規格:精裝 / 10頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:8歲~12歲

  • >


    國際級紙藝大師 Matthew Reinhart 年度重磅新作

    立體驚奇探索 前所未有的魔法震撼

    一本書秒變立體街景 搭配精美角色紙偶

    朝聖魔法世界重要景點 創造獨特冒險體驗




      ★【立體書大師重磅新作】:有別於前作的「攤圖式設計」,紙藝大師 Matthew Reinhart 挑戰不同以往的立體機關技法,為粉絲及收藏家獻上新奇驚喜


      敲敲破釜酒吧的特定牆磚,跟著哈利和海格進入斜角巷大開眼界!壯觀的立體場景,帶你逛遍巫師常去的逛街地點。去趟奧利凡德的商店,各式各樣量身打造的魔杖都在這裡。想挑挑目前巫師界最熱門的整人玩具?別錯過衛氏巫師法寶店。接著再前往魔法部和 9又3/4月台,朝聖魔法世界的重要景點。嗚嗚∼霍格華茲特快車即將出發啦!


      繼熱銷全球的《哈利波特:霍格華茲 3D 魔法立體書》後,第二彈《哈利波特:斜角巷 3D 魔法立體書》為哈利波特迷帶來全新驚喜。由曾打造風靡全球的《FROZEN:冰雪奇緣立體書》、《冰與火之歌立體書》的國際級紙藝大師 Matthew Reinhart 傾力製作,帶給粉絲最難忘的魔法旅程。

      Journey into the Wizarding World once more with this stunning new masterpiece from New York Times best-selling paper engineer Matthew Reinhart.

      This exhilarating pop-up book invites you to relive the movie adventures of Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and the Boy Who Lived—Harry Potter—as you explore London’s magical Diagon Alley like never before.

      Inside, gorgeously intricate pop-up spreads render fan-favorite Diagon Alley establishments such as Ollivanders, Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, and the Leaky Cauldron, plus other locales like the Ministry of Magic and platform nine and three-quarters. Pull tabs allow fans to command the action—rescue a Ukrainian Ironbelly dragon from the depths of Gringotts, or help Harry navigate out of Knockturn Alley after a Floo powder mishap. Alongside each pop, discover facts and insights from the making of the Harry Potter films. Plus, the book opens into a displayable 3D diorama of all the pop-ups at once.

      Packed with amazing moments and hidden surprises, Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Guide to Diagon Alley and Beyond is a landmark new pop-up book guaranteed to impress Harry Potter fans everywhere.


    其 他 著 作
    1. Shapes: My First Pop-Up! 紙藝大師設計給孩子的形狀立體書
    2. Colors: My First Pop-Up! 紙藝大師設計給孩子的色彩立體書
    3. Frozen: A Pop-up Adventure
    4. Lego Pop-Up: A Journey Through the Lego Universe