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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
100 Group Games: Skills in Facilitating Group Games


Ping Kwong KAM
418.00  元
HK$ 376.2  

  • 規格:平裝 / 216頁 / 17.8 x 25.4 x 1.08 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港

  • 人文社科 > 社會學/社會工作 > 社會工作

      Games help drive engagement, achieve goals, and ultimately promote development within a group. As such, it is important for group facilitators to be equipped with game skills to ensure a lively, vibrant, and motivated atmosphere. This book includes four theoretical essays by experienced game facilitators regarding the concept, practice sharing, and application skills of group game facilitation, as well as a collection of 100 practical group games covering ice-breaking, mutual understanding, group cooperation, and problem solving. This list of games is built on the experiences and contributions of the author and social work students.


      “A key strength of this book is that it has been developed by teachers in collaboration with students. This highly unusual aspect of the book both gives voice to students and demonstrates the commitment of the authors to collaborative learning.– Steven M Shardlow, Professor Emeritus of Social Work, Keele University, United Kingdom, Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Social Work


      “...a solid, well-organized, and high-quality resource for social work colleagues, students, and instructors. It is a welcome addition to the professional literature on social work with groups and will likely enhance the advancement of group work practice in many parts of the world.”– Adolf Ka Tat Tsang, Professor, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, Canada


    Part I Concepts and Practice

    Chapter 1 Key Elements of Facilitating Group Games

    Chapter 2 Facilitation and Briefing Skills for Group Games

    Chapter 3 Debriefing Skills in Group Games

    Chapter 4 Risk Assessment and Prevention when Leading Group Games

    Part II 100 Group Games

    Introduction and Game Structure

    Section 1 Warm-up and Ice-breaking Games

    Section 2 Mutual Understanding Games

    Section 3 Group Cooperation and Cohesion Games

    Section 4 Problem-solving Games

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