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Markets at Work: Dynamics of the Residential Real Estate Market in Hong Kong


Bertrand Renaud, Frederik Pretorius and Bernabe Pasadilla 
382.00  元
HK$ 343.8  

[ 尚未分類 ]

"The real estate economy of Hong Kong is one of the most dynamic and sophisticated in the world, and has contributed greatly to the spectacular development of this vibrant city. More importantly, at a time of rapid globalization of the world economy, it is possibly the best model of the behaviour of an advanced real estate industry operating in an open economy. Hong Kong is thereforeof interest to analysts and policymakers everywhere, not least because of Hong Kong"s political reintegration with China in 1997. With this in mind, the authors have managed to capture the key economic features of the private residential real estate market in Hong Kong in this compact volume. They have identified and highlighted critical institutions that contribute to the success and economic factors which shape the dynamics of all sectors of the real estate industry in Hong Kong.

This book is essential reading for market analysts, policymakers, students and international readers with an interest in comparative analysis of real estate markets and institutions." Professor Anthony Walker, Centre for Real Estate and Urban Economics,The University of Hong Kong.

Bertrand Renaud is Housing Finance Advisor in the Financial Sector Development Department of the World Bank. He has taught at the University of Hawaii, the M.I.T., Seoul National University and The University of Hong Kong. Frederik Pretorius lectures at the University of Hong Kong. He formerly taught at the University of Canberra, Australia and the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Bernabe Pasadilla is a Research Associate at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Educated in the Philippines, he holds degrees in engineering and economics, and worked and studies at the University of Hong Kong where he received an M.Sc. (Real Estate Development).

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