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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價127.00元
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Healing Plots: The Narrative Basis of Psychotherapy

Amia Lieblich, Dan P. McAdams, , Ruthellen Josselso 
American Psychological Associa
433.00  元
HK$ 411.35  

[ 尚未分類 ]

Therapy is the process of developing a narrative that helps bring integration and coherence to a chaotic life. In Healing Plots: The Narrative Basis of Psychotherapy, the third volume in the series "The Narrative Study of Lives," editors Amia Lieblich, Dan P. McAdams, and Ruthellen Josselson bring together a diverse group of psychotherapist-scholars to explore the relationship between story-telling and therapy.
Drawing directly from practice experiences with a wide variety of clients, the chapter authors present illuminating case studies of lives being examined in therapy. The authors ground their contributions in the shared theory that effective therapeutic interventions often involve the co-construction of healing narratives in the face of personal, moral, and social adversity. Using a variety of perspectives, contexts, and cultural settings, the authors examine how therapists and clients negotiate narrative conflict and compl

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