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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價127.00元
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Memory Consolidation: Essays in Honor of James L. McGaugh

Paul E. Gold, William T. Greenough 
American Psychological Associa
346.00  元
HK$ 328.7  

[ 尚未分類 ]

Individual chapters of this book are available to purchase online. Click here.
Memory Consolidation: Essays in Honor of James L. McGaugh, celebrates the contributions McGaugh has made to the field of memory formation research. Forty years ago this seminal thinker posited that memory could be facilitated by stimulants administered after a learning experience. His initial exploration and research led to the eventual publication in 1965 of "Effects of Drugs on Learning and Memory." So began a fertile, new period in the study of memory that continues to this day.

The authors of this volume present experiments and research giving provocative insight into the workings of human neurobiology. They examine morphological studies of memory, neural connections between memory and arousal, the function of brainstem structures, the effects of epinephrine o

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