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Weathering the Storm: Hong Kong Observatory and Social Development 風雲可測: 香港天文台與社會的變遷


Ho Pui-yin 何佩然 
382.00  元
HK$ 343.8  

[ 尚未分類 ]

The arduous struggles of the people of Hong Kong to overcome the challenges of nature vividly depict the development of modern-day Hong Kong.

Weathering the Storm is divided into two parts. The first part, based on valuable historical texts and photographs, describes the characteristics of Hong Kong"s climate and the natural disasters that struck in the past. The second part details the establishment and development of the Hong Kong Observatory and analyses society"s gradual adoption of Western sciences and research attitude. The history of the Hong Kong Observatory is an illustration of the distinct features of Hong Kong"s progress.

Professor Ho Pui-yin, a graduate of the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a history major,obtained her Maitrise and Doctorat degrees in Paris University. Her postgraduate research emphases were on prosopography study and social history. She previously worked as a research consultant at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris, and now teaches in the History Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her current researches are mainly on Hong Kong"s social and economic history.



何佩然教授 香港中文大學文學士 (主修歷史)、巴黎大學碩士、博士。留法期間曾參與法國巴黎高等社會科學研究院 (EHESS) 年鑑學派群體生平學研究,並出任經濟合作與發展組織 (OECD) 研究顧問,現任教於香港中文大學歷史系,近年專注香港社會經濟史研究。

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