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Essential Statutes on Hong Kong Criminal Law & Procedure 2007/2008

Simon NM Young 
310.00  元
HK$ 279  

[ 尚未分類 ]

The Essential Statutes on Hong Kong Criminal Law and Procedure 2007/2008 is a collection of the core legal instruments and provisions related to the study and practice of criminal law in Hong Kong. The collection comes with a detailed index to help make locating provisions from amongst the 50 included instruments faster and easier. Both students and practitioners of the law will find the collection an essential reference book whether in the classroom, courtroom, exam hall or office.

The collection is current as at January 2007. This edition incorporates the new Interception of Communications and Surveillance Ordinance (Cap 589), the Community Service Orders Ordinance (Cap 378), the Probation of Offenders Ordinance (Cap 298), and new changes brought about by various instruments since October 2005.

This collection is edited by Simon NM Young, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong.

Simon NM Young 其他作品

Hong Kong Criminal Law Handbook . 3ed, PB

Essential Statutes on Hong Kong Criminal Law & Procedure 2007/2008

其 他 著 作